I got the Orange Box 3 years ago, but I've never beaten Half Life 2. I started it, but couldn't get into it, I got to the point where you're driving through the sewers getting chased by a chopper.
This weekend I thought, what the hell I'll give it another go. I read the background to Half Life 1 just because I know I'll never get a chance to play it, so I might as well know whats going on for Half Life 2.
All I've heard about this game is "Once you reach the Gravity Gun, it's THE best game you'll ever play"
Ok, so I thought that must have been why I missed out the first time! I never reached the Gravity Gun.
I reached the Gravity Gun, its cool and all, but I'm beginning to lose the drive and motivation to keep playing. I just don't understand whats so amazing about this game. I'm currently fighting off mutant zombies in this village. (I have to say the Gravity Gun + Razor Blade = Badass)
If I keep playing will I start feeling more immersed into the story? Does it get better or have I reached the point of awesome, but completely missed the point? or is this game only awesome because of the Gravity Gun?
(Ps I noticed G-Man is stalking me)
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