This thing attractive?" alt=" " />i did rather fart.MojondeVACAid rub it all over those lips, and the face, up down all around,and these too,both of em , them look old enugh for me.
If you still like her and you want to be together, you can live in someplace, and she has her own place elsewhere, it works great, trust me. you need your own space.thats only if still like her if not, **** itsuck my d-onkey balls, I have a E-itch.
Instead of completely banishing "unsavory" user's, you confine them to a jail thread? makes good business sense in my views.
i spend more time on g-spt than my real family.i bet i'l get banned for that comment. and i guess i should
Mr Toastman, you are clearly insane. LewyDeng2that may be true but please, dont hate, im crazy but i do love you all
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