Mrnebbie's forum posts
You can make another username and make him login using that name. Will be the same password though.
GF 8800 GTS
AMD 4800+ 2.4 ghz
Would I get a decent frame rate, on a higher graphics level ? I could always upgrade my processor in a couple weeks or a month or so.. but what do I really need to run those games on higher graphics levels with a decently good frame rate?
Nope this setup wil only handle online poker and clickablo 2.
ok i understand c&c i didnt wana put it up there but those were the only 2 games i haad working
ok so bf2 beacuse of the amount of playres that can be on screen whont work
and ap will work cause ? iam not sure of why that will
also i had bf2 working on a p4 1.6 overcloacked to 2.0 and had a 1 gig of ram a a radeon 1900 xs or wa ever
Why dont you take the readeon out of this box and put it into your new one untill you get a better card? Or are they not the same slot types?
i know your promblem. Its mainly cuz EA are phags.
They made the game so it only supports specific graphics cards. I didn't know that at first so i wasted 50$...god damn.
Well Im not a big fan of Ea but just because you cant read the requirments doesnt make it their fault. Im not sure with ati but any card in the geforce series 5500 and above will play bf2.
Widescreen isnt supported in bf2. but that shouldnt matter because I dont think any onboard video will play bf2.
ok i understand c&c i didnt wana put it up there but those were the only 2 games i haad working
ok so bf2 beacuse of the amount of playres that can be on screen whont work
and ap will work cause ? iam not sure of why that will
also i had bf2 working on a p4 1.6 overcloacked to 2.0 and had a 1 gig of ram a a radeon 1900 xs or wa ever
Bf2 is a resource heavy game. Bf2 plays okay on 64 player maps with 1 g of ram and my budget 7300 series card. But thats with setting set to med or low and no anti aliasing. And its not just the amount of players its everything.. effectivaly your pc is trying to draw everthing on the map and take into account what it going on. Ie bullets players tanks, jets, apcs and what not.. Find out what slot your mother board has and get a dedicated card if you want to play bf2 or any other fps game coming out.
okay but then why is it that i can play alpha prime c&c tibirum wars with no problem i will get a new card but i find it weird that iam play ap with npskooby1doo
Its not really weird at all. C&C is an RTS. Bf2 is a FPS. In bf2 you can have up to 64 players on a map. Graphically you cant compare these two games. Its like comparing an apple to a rock. Bf2 takes a lot of video memory to play.
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