I took this from M-W-S-A-T-D-K-T!
Six ships you like:
1. Tony/Kate
2. McGee/Abby
3. Tony/Ziva
4. Gibbs/Jenny
5. Gibbs/Abby
6. Tony/Abby
Three ships you used to like, but don't anymore:
7. Tony/Jeanne
8. Gibbs/Abby (at times)
9. Tony/Abby (at times)
Three ships in your various fandoms that you can't stand:
10. Tony/Jeanne
11. Gibbs/Hollis Mann
12. McGee/Ziva
Two ships you are curious about but haven't actually started shipping:
13. Gibbs/Jen
14. McGee/Ziva
Why do you dislike #11 so much?
Mann's not the one for Gibbs! :P
Who is someone you know that ships #13?
Can't name anyone personally.
What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3?
LOL, anything from the DiNozzo Dossier. :)
Which is your favorite episode for #1
SWAK but there are lots more! :D
How long have you been following couple #6?
LOL, uhm, they aren't a couple, but in "Kill Ari Part One" when Tony lands on her.
What's the story with #8? What made you stop liking them/caring?
I started to see their relationship as more of a father-daughter relationship.
Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4?
#2. :D
You have the power to make one ship non existent. Choose from #10 or #12.
Gonna have to go with #10!
What interests you about #14?
Sorry, can't answer that.
When did you stop liking #7?
Ehhh, just because I can't stand her... She's a great actress, but I just don't like Jeanne.
Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show?
What's a song that reminds you of #5?
I have no idea whatsoever!
Which of these ships do you love the most?
Tony/Kate!!!!! I'm a proud TATEr TOT!
Which do you dislike the most?
Tony/Jeanne & Gibbs/Hollis Mann!
If you could have any of these two pairings double date, who would it be?
McGee/Abby and Tony/Kate ... they worked together and they are already good friends!
Have #2 kissed yet?
Kiss on the head. :) Abby kissed McGee on the head.
Did #4 have a happy ending?
Uhm, well they were together in Paris. :D
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