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MsCortana Blog

Dear Johnsteed!

Hello folks. Sure hope everyone is well. Once again, I find myself racking my brain, sifting through clearly damaged memory stores in order to find my password for this site. Finally, I retried it and here I am. Reading, browsing and as such finding some nostalgia in it. In any case, I come here before you all today commercial free at the request of Mr. Johnsteed. My life is quite busy but I do try to keep up with a lot of my gaming friends on facebook. At least I can sort of keep up with the comings and goings of some of you which is, I guess, what a social networking site is for. I digress. So, Johnsteed came knocking on my timeline and requested a blog, actually offered to pay me. He was totally smoking crack or something. Perhaps drunk? Regardless, here I am and have no clue how to go about this blog, especially after being absent from this site for so long. I really do not like "update" type blogs, but apparently this is what you guys are getting. (You can thank Johnsteed for that one.)


So for those interested, I am still gaming, though not as much as I would like. I'm still crazy, though not as much as I would like. Just playing some Blops 2 when I get a few minutes here nor there. See, as Johnsteed knows, along with work, taking care of the house, my three rambuncious boys and my beau, I have also been training to run a half-marathon next month. It has definitely required a lot of hard work and a lot of my extra time and God bless my family and friends for understanding and being very supportive.


At any rate, that is pretty much what I have been up to. Thankfully, I have been able to keep my head above water and my feet firmly off the ground. I do want to thank Mr. Johnsteed for bringing me back, once again, as I do miss this community and my friends. If any of you are on facebook and would like to add me, just sent me a message and I will point you in the right direction. I guess that is about it. Hopefully, the next time I blog it will be a proper one, more relevent and entertaining. You guys have an amazing day and thanks for reading.



The Lawnmower Man

In 1975 Stephen King introduced the masses to The Lawnmower Man; however, this blog has absolutely nothing to do with that rather off-kilter tale. Though, I must say, if I saw my neighbor (who by the way is in his late 60s) crawling naked behind his mower eating grass, I likely would go into cardiac arrest and meet an untimely demise.

Actually, this blog will address my neighbor. I should probably preface this blog with a few facts. My neighbor is a very kind man. He is probably the epitome of what every neighbor should be. He is helpful, a jack-of-all-trades and is probably the most friendly person I have ever met in my life. With all that being said, my neighbor has a chronic issue that somewhat annoys me. See, his lawnmower is more of an extremity for him. Yes folks, he is a habitual mower.

Now here in the south amongst the rolling hills of Tennessee we get a fair amount of rain, probably as much as is normal I would imagine. This normalcy in precipitation means we have to mow our lawns approximately once a week and at times twice a week. The Lawnmower Man however, tends to be on his mower every other day which at first did strike me as odd but I chalked it up to a bored elderly man with an affinity for mowing.

Nearly a year later I finally realized enough is enough. My problem with all of this is not the fact that he clearly has OCD issues with his lawn, rather that when he isn't mowing his lawn, he feels compelled to mow everyone else's lawns, including my own.

Now you may be asking yourself, "What's the problem? You get your lawn mowed for free and have the audacity to complain about it?" My answer to that would be that I simply enjoy mowing my own lawn. I actually look forward to that exercise. I take great pride in my flower beds and the actual landscaping of my property. He is not the only one around here that has an OCD complex. At the end of the day I just want to mow my own damn lawn!!

I guess the real issue for me is how do I go about addressing this problem. How do you even go about starting a conversation like that without sounding unappreciative or pretentious? He really is quite helpful and goes out of his way to help the boys and me, so I really do not want to burn any bridges. I could really use some helpful advice. What say you gamespotters?

Compromise? I think not!

There is this perceived notion that life goes something like this: Birth, adolescence, drivers license, car, cigarettes, beer, college, career, marriage, house, children, mid-life crisis, senior discounts, medication dispenser, triple bypass heart surgery and death by teacup. (Give or take a life event or two.) For me personally, I have noted that my life has mirrored a pinball striking events randomly and rather unexpectedly throughout the course of an ultimately difficult but meaningful existence.

Here I am 32 years into a life cycle and for the past 12 years I have been in a proverbial limbo. It is a very unforgiving and oddly attractive space between reality and my own perception of reality. To this day I remain steadfast that from the age of 20 to 26 I was merely aimlessly wandering around blown out of my mind on booze, drugs and yeah, more drugs. Call it, self denial, an excuse, a phase or whatever you may; however, I call it, the truth. During this period of time that I call "Woodstock era", one thing remained a constant, my ability to make really bad decisions on a daily basis. To be clear, "bad" is the equivalent of an eye-gouging sumo frak fest then having my fingertips dipped in acid while having to listen to Pee Wee Herman's rendition of I Feel Pretty!

Star Date: 6434-01. After traveling many years in our phone booth pimped out with a rather far out and excellent umbrella, we found ourselves in an era of "Self Discovery" or as I like to call it, my Sith versus Jedi era. Soon after I had my epiphany, I laid down one condition for myself. This stipulation was that I would never compromise who I was or what I wanted for anyone, ever!! In order for me to have a fruitful, meaningful and happy life span, I would only need myself, as is. If anyone, under any circumstance were to hinder, question or attempt to change so much as a lock of hair, they were immediately shunned and placed accordingly in the pit of despair where their screams would echo against aged stone and fall upon deaf ears. A little much? Perhaps but I had, for so long, suppressed, foolishly hidden and ignored who I was and I at this point had absolutely no tolerance for anyone that could not accept my abnormalities.

As you can imagine, this thought process made any attempt at dating futile. My desire to have some of the aforementioned life events, was completely absent and honestly, revolting. The whole idea of dating, marriage, love or even someone laying their filthy hands on me, made me nauseous. I found myself time and time again debating how love was merely an ideology created by weak individuals in their desperate attempt to fulfill a need for companionship because standing on their own two feet was a daunting task. What a fraking joke these drones were.

(Now, I sit here smiling at the very thought of just how wrong I was; at how I had taken something so pure and defined it as an imperial mind frak created to convert the weak-minded into mindless Sith drones.)

(Bare with me folks; I tend to take the scenic route.)

Ultimately, I found dating to be quite the chore. I literally avoided men at all costs. When I did at least suck it up and try to date, it was the equivalent of being exposed to flesh-eating bacteria. The way a man looks at you when you try to articulate your very valid points that there was no way Han made that run in under 12 parsecs as clearly, parsecs are not measured in time---is priceless. Can you say, check please?

After awhile I just became uncomfortable with dating altogether. What was the fraking point? For the first time in my life, I was genuinely happy. I really understood who I was, what I wanted and had no desire to change any of that or add any extra stress to my life just to adhere to some outdated ideology of what we should do with our lives. I clawed and fought my way through Mordor and I would be damned if anyone or anything was going to take what was most precious to me, away.

The Age of Men surely came to an end. I essentially found myself moving forward, accomplishing goals and evolved as an individual. My anger or perhaps resentment towards men was unfounded but even upon this realization, I found that I still had no desire to share my life or time with anyone but my children. My focus remained on me and my boys and this I found comfort, security and solace in. I lived a very stress-free and goal-oriented life and the amazing thing was that I never lost sight of who I was and I was able to completely focus on the things I wanted for myself; hence my conquest to conquer Middle Earth.

Funny how things come to pass in life, one day you are trying to kick a Carpathians ass and the next you find you are hopelessly falling in love with not only a great friend but a man, who through the years has seen the good, bad and the ugly; a man who not only accepted all my faults and eccentricities but was actually attracted to them; a man who had the opportunity to get to know the real me; a man that my real world collided with after meeting him nearly 5 years ago on this very site.

The whole experience in hind-sight has been a journey of growth and one in which I have no regrets. I learned that you should never settle. You should never feel embarrassed or awkward about who you are regardless of what anyone might think. Embrace who you are, exploit it and be proud of it. Never compromise your happiness for a notion that if you do, you may find love because at the end of the day, if you have to suppress any part of you, then you are doing a disservice to yourself. The reality is that if you compromise all the things that collectively make you happy, you can truly never be happy with anyone else.

In conclusion, my story is one of hope. Through this experience, the most important thing I can share is that beyond the outer rim, there is someone made from the same slab of carbonite. Somewhere, at some point in time, your path will cross with that of Neo and you will be given a choice, either to take the blue pill or throw caution to the wind, embrace fate and take the red one.

Thanks for reading--Geek!

Dear: John Q. Public!

There are many ideations in life that simply do not make sense, albeit within the realm of our own reasoning. I would infer that most people, living their seemingly normal lives really do not understand our culture. This culture that embraces video games, caped crusaders, Sci-Fi conventions, villains we love to hate, comics and fictional galaxies far, far away....amongst others.

It clearly is beyond comprehension for some, how anyone can live a healthy, productive, successful and meaningful life while not adhering to what many believe is a "normal" means of existence. My grandmother, amongst others whom are close to me, seem to believe that my love/passion for all things "Geek" is simply some desperate attempt to relive a stolen childhood. I of course disagree; however, this is understandable given the circumstances coupled with a complete lack of understanding of how the world has progressed since the Cold War.

I often wonder where this stigma that blankets our culture came from. Stereotypes are by all accounts a double-edged sword. I believe we all do our best not to collectively pool a group comprised of individuals into a category but unfortunately that is human nature. I suppose for myself, I have always been of the mindset that I do not have to agree with the views, interests or life choices that individuals make but I CAN , at the very least, respect that it is their life to live and enjoy as they choose.

The older we become the more intolerance people seem to have for living the "Geeks Life" especially if you have no professional ties to the community. It would appear that here again, as long as you meet the criteria, then that staggering 50 x 60 picture of Batman splashed across your living room wall is quite appropriate.

I implore those that do not understand to listen to fact. My life is merely that...MY LIFE! I own my home, pay taxes; renew my voter registration and vote when called upon to; I raise my 3 boys as any soccer mom would with perhaps a more down-to-Naboo approach; I volunteer my time to various organizations and support worthy causes that are near to my heart. By all respects I am your normal, productive citizen that does in fact deserve the right to enjoy whatever I see fit to enjoy without being burned at the stake or in need of a full psychological evaluation.

Yes, I slay dragons. I save humanity from the brink of disaster. I liberate your occasional Wookie from the death grip of Sith scum and yes, I spend countless hours playing video games, reading about video games, talking about video games and even blogging about video games. Yes, I have an unnatural love for all things Star Wars (and JaJa to), as well as numerous other unconventional and geeky things. This is what I love, this is what I breathe, this is WHO I AM!

At the end of the day, I have learned to take all the naysayers with a grain of salt. Our core values, interests and beliefs rarely change; though on occasion, people shift and find themselves experiencing new things, opening their minds and stepping out of the box where they find themselves in the respectable position of understanding and acceptance.

The entire point of this blog, has yet to reveal itself. Consider this a prologue for my thoughts on relationships, more specifically how being a Geek can affect not only your life, your relationships with friends but also how it can dramatically impact dating and whether you are willing to compromise your passion and who you really are.....for love! Alas....not today. In order to embody fully my take on dating while having our culture being such an intricate part of who we are, I feel it deserves its own subsequent blog to fully grasp my frustration over the years and how finally, my patience paid off.

Thanks for reading!--Geek!


First off let me start off by saying hello! It has definitely been a long time since my last blog post via Gamespot. For those of you that have excellent recall, about a year and a half ago, I was transferred to the night-shift and my blogging days came to an abrupt end. Not only did my Internet time become nonexistent, my gaming habits declined to almost nil.

The good news is that I finally made it to a day shift amongst the other living, breathing drones. This new shift also allows me more freedom with my work schedule and more importantly frees up an ample amount of my time. I know, we have been here done this before; however, I can assure you guys, that unless they physically threaten me with water-boarding or some other "Act of God" occurs, that this time, I am here to it or not!

Finally, I look forward to catching up with you guys (at least those of you still around) and actually being able to enjoy gaming again. My mission was simply to get a blog up and leave all the updates (as a lot has transpired in the last year and a half) for a subsequent blog. In any case, just wanted to touch base with all of you guys, say hello and reintroduce myself to the blogging hemisphere....once again.

Johnny 5 Needs More Input!


I have decided that I will in fact bring back my vlogging series, Coercion. It should resurrect sometime this month, so stayed tuned.

I have not reinstalled my video editing software on my PC since I had to reinstall my OS, so no fancy game montages or effects will be found within Coercion. Furthermore, my dazzle also no longer works with my new HDTV (although, I have seen where people can rig them to capture gameplay on an HDTV, so I may look into that). So no new intro as of yet; however, I am looking for new and exciting footage for an intro. Therefore, if you have seen any awesome gametrailers or anything that looks especially dramatic, please send me your suggestions.

Also, as Coercion makes its re-debut, I will also be bringing back my Coerced Gamer of the Week series. Although, this time around, this series will not be limited to friends rather any gamer can make the cut. You can be featured as the Coerced Gamer of the Week, due to great feats while gaming, by your contributions to the community or even by your most embarrassing "fail" moments. Whether pass or fail, I hope to highlight a gamer in some form periodically during the month. Don't let the word week throw you off.


I am in the market for a new PC. The two I have are used for work and my laptop is utterly useless most of the time, so I am looking into buying a monster of a PC. I need a PC that can handle powerful video editing software. One that can process thought quicker than the speed of light…er..well one that is fast and not bogged down with unwanted mystery programs running in the background. This PC will facilitate movies, pictures, music and function as a movie/gameplay editing powerhouse. So if any of you have any suggestions on PCs, please let me know.

Also, I am looking into purchasing a 3D-HDTV and have no clue as to specifics of models, features, etc. Therefore, if any of you tech guru's feel compelled to depart some of your wisdom with me, please let me know and we can get together on live to discuss it further.


As my thoughts are heavy on Medal of Honor, I will bring those thoughts to you via Coercion. It was an emotional game for me and I am an emotional gamer, so be prepared for those emotional sentiments with this editorial of Medal of Honor.

Subsequently, I also purchased Limbo for a whopping 1200 points and was deeply disappointed. Here again, my thoughts on the game will bode better via a more personal interaction with you guys, so I decided to share my thoughts on this title via Coercion as well.

Life, Work and Family

Well as you guys know, I have been working the graveyard shift for a little over a week now and honestly, I love it. It seems to give all of us (me and the boys) enough time to put every little thing in its only little slot during our days. Not to mention that working this shift, I tend to get a lot of ER reports in and those can be interesting to say the least, so overall, the shift isn't so bad. The only real hindrance is my gaming schedule. If I do get on Live during the week, it is simply for an hour. But I do get to catch up on the weekends, so that isn't too bad either. The moderation has really been quite good for me and has actually allowed me to get back to Gamespot as well. Before working this shift, my free time was spent gaming and Gamespot took a backseat regarding my free time. However, now it is simply more convenient to browse Gamespot in my free time while at work, so in a way it has all worked out for all parties involved.

Now that my life is on track, I am wondering if perhaps I should put myself back on the market again. I'm not getting any younger. It's scary to a certain extent. I don't have the best of luck with men and when I do by chance connect with someone, they are either married, half way across the country or we only connect on a physical, albeit satisfying, level. Eh…this whole paragraph is turning my stomach…moving on!

In other news, I took the boys to football tryouts.(see picture above) Now that was a hoot. That may very well be a story for a blog itself. They failed to tell us, that the league wouldn't even start until next season. Regardless, I will definitely be a football mom come next season and we are all excited about that.

In Conclusion

Well that pretty much does it for this week guys. If you have any questions, concerns, suggestions or simply need to talk, then please feel free to send me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks for reading and I hope you guys have a great week ahead.

Have fun and game on!

The Friend Request

This story begins in the not so distant past. I had pretty much had my fill of Halo: Reach and decided to pop in my "go to" game, Battlefield Bad Company 2. I then began the 5 mile run in which I begin all of my Bad Company sessions with and was soon joined by the general and darkwing. This of course led to team killing and a plethora of explosive chaos. Our game soon ended and our trio disbanded with great humility.

As I returned to the dashboard, I was greeted with the infamous "blabeep" that is music to this gamer's ear. Alas, this was no achievement, rather a simple notification informing me of a pending friend request. To be perfectly honest, I did not take the time to even see who the request was from. Now in my defense, I can get a number of friend requests after playing in matchmaking, regardless of the game. Now on occasion, this happens merely due to the merit of my gameplay; however, 99% of the time, it is due to my gender. I'm sure most female gamers must endure the same thing, so I take comfort in the fact that I am not the only one burdened by this.

With that being said, I brushed the request off as just another random request from yet another 12 year old gamer who was all excited about having inadvertently played against/aside a girl (who just happens to be old enough to be his mother) on Xbox live. Therefore, I then proceeded to log off of live and went about my day without another thought to this ironically un-random friend request.

The following day, I return to live to see a companion message accompanying the un-random friend request. This of course leads me to investigate further, as now this has escalated his request by fueling my curiosity. I then listen to his polite and to-the-point message. To my amazement he was actually quite articulate and this led me to investigate even further by viewing the "all-telling" xbox live profile. And what was this? There were no "red flags" to be observed. There were no un-clever references to "yo" or "kill" or the ever so popular sensor bypassing profanity. There simply was not anything offensive to be found. Astonishing, I know. Absolutely no sign, what-so-ever, that this random (random is what I call anyone I do not know on xbox live) was a good candidate for the "Do not add list".

After further examination, I discovered that he had an above average gamerscore and a big 5 indicating his years on xbox live.

Now at this point, you may be wondering, "Where the hell is she going with all of this?" Well, this experience has led to a dash of reflection. See, I believe my aforementioned system to be quite flawed and to a certain extent offensive. How in the hell do I know, by merely assessing a gamer profile, if this individual is someone I would have interest in gaming with? Can you really get a good read on a gamer via a few words, gamerscore and years of service on Xbox live?

When I get a friend request on Xbox Live, the first thing that pops out at me is the gamerscore. The bigger the better..right? (Just like a woman…eh?) Why the hell do I associate "real gamers" (whatever that is) with high gamerscore? (And to be fair, I do believe that anything over 10,000 indicates someone that plays games more than occasionally.)

In any case, I did accept EJ's friend request and have been quite pleased in that decision and truth be told, all the randoms I have added to my list, through my albeit flawed system, have panned out quite well. Actually, Cave was my very first random to add to my list and he and I are an unstoppable force to be reckoned with to this day. Regardless, I believe I need a new system that isn't bias. I do not want to be unfair and fully want to be an EOG. (Equal opportunity gamer.)

There is a lot to be desired with any online community so how do we know who to add and who not to add? Must we rely on instinct, stereotypes and logic?

At the end of the day, I feel bad. I feel as if I have wronged many a gamer due to my stereotypical views and standards (as mentioned above) and I am merely seeking a little redemption by dedicating this blog to the gamers I may have inadvertently stamped "FAIL" on their Xbox live profiles. My bad!

The Graveyard Shift

Today is officially the last day of my first shift hours and the end to my weekday gaming as I know it. Come Sunday evening at promptly 8:00 pm I will be starting my regular hours during the graveyard shift. *insert long sad sigh here*. Now I'm not complaining. I understand jobs are scarce and I appreciate that I have one fully. But come on...when the hell am I supposed to get my gaming fix in?

It is times such as these that "gaming reflection" is indeed something quite thought provoking. Is it really a bad thing to be thinking of gaming while you're working? Or concocting a scheme to use your PTO (paid time off) to pay for those 2 days you want to take off at the next big launch? When does "passion" turn into "obsession" or are they two in the same? Why doesn't my supervisor understand that I have games to play, hence needing time to play them.

I have a ton of these, but I'll spare you guys a session of my over-thinking, over-analyzing process of thought and just say I am going to miss my regular gaming hours and more importantly, the people I game with.

Surely things will not be as bad as I believe they will be. Perhaps this new schedule will allow me to catch up on my single player titles and gain some perspective, in some respect, with my life and pleasure. Also, since the MGU forum will be a graveyard during my new hours, I believe I may use my extra time (:lol: at work) to start blogging with some consistency again. Perhaps even reviving my video blogging series..Coercion.

In closing, I simply want to go on the record as saying....responsibility sucks! That is all...carry on. ;)

Bungie Did Not Reach Far Enough!

Hey guys! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and transitioning back to the work week without missing a beat. I know I am! :)

Now let me address the title. First of all, let me start by saying I am a huge fan of the Halo series. Have been from day one. Though it should be noted that I didn't go "Live" until my Halo 3 days! Hence, the only merit I have had to base my likes and dislikes on were the campagin aspect of the games I played. Based on the campaign alone, I really enjoyed the Halo series. I loved the characters, game mechanics and the overall storyline. Matter of fact, the only reason I upgraded from my original Xbox to the 360 was due to Halo 3. I waited until launch and then I went out and purchased my 360. It would take me nearly 6 months before I would happen into the Live community and MGU...thus experiencing what Halo truly had to offer.

Now most of you know my feelings on ODST and how underwhelmed I was with that full-price title. So I wont go into that; however, part of the reason I feel underwhelmed with Reach can be attributed to some of the same things that fell short with me in ODST.

Now don't get me wrong, Halo Reach was and is a great game. The new upgrades of weapons, load-out abilities and multiplayer are great. My beef lies solely with Bungie. I suppose it is just me, but I felt that Bungie would take the campaign to new heights with this final installment. After all, this was the end of Halo games as we know it. And for all the waiting and the years of being dedicated fans of the series, we get a 5 hour campaign, less than memorable characters, an impervious AI, ghosting and no big battles or boss fights?!?!

I understand there is so much you can do with prequels, after all we already know the outcome. But at the end of the day, I'm of a campaign > multiplayer mindset. I want that Halo experience I have grown to love. Not that Bungie didn't give that to us, they just didn't go out with a bang. There were no heart pounding Just another Halo game.

In my eyes, Bungie didn't Reach for the stars with this final installment of Halo! They failed to give this gamer the experience she has grown to love and sadly this is what I am left with....MsCortana...without her Master Chief! :(

A Dash of Reflection!

So such is The older I get, the more I realize, I should have just been happy with my youth. But we just can't wait for the next day, next year, next birthday, next Christmas; always longing for today to be tomorrow. Boy how things change once those years are nothing more than vague memories.

What you fail to realize is that with every year, life is barraling out of control at a ridiculous pace. Such is Oh well, at least those of us that have graced our 30s and beyond, have a pretty good handle on what direction we are going. At some point, we regain a more focused perception of where we want to be in yet another 10 years...hopefully, a very, very slow 10 years.

So that brings me to today. Hopefully, a very slow day. Today, I sit here before you (well not really) with a clear head (sort of) and an overwhelmingly clear sense of where I want to be in 10 years. The last time I breezed through here with an update, I was ready to take my final exam. Well I'm proud to report that I did in fact graduate with High Honors. Not only did I graduate, but I also received a job very soon after my graduation. Which I am very much thankful for in these trying times. So here I am again, picking up the pieces of a very hard year and the light at the end of the tunnel is ever so bright. I'm pleased to say that I am finally heading in the right direction for a change. Though at some point I expect there to be a fork in the road, I do believe I am probably the most sound in my logic, then I have ever been, to make the best, well-informed decision I can to keep moving forward and to accomplishing all the goals I have set before me.

Well now that I have all that life crap (for lack of a better word) out of the way, I can get to the game related stuff. I'm finally back on live and lurking gamespot once again. Though my time is limited. Fortunately, I am on the day shift for about a month, so I'll be around a bit more but after my month is up, I'll be back on 3rd shift and probably, yet again, wont be around much, minus the weekends. In any case, I'm just excited about getting back to what I love. Definitely looking forward to Halo Reach next week. Although, ODST left me some what jaded, I'm still anticipating some good times with Reach. Hope to catch up with you guys and hopefully I see some of you on live!

And on that note, I'll bid you folks farewell. Take care and as always...GAME ON!