For those of you that have been with me for awhile. You may remember a blog about my last day in court in which I described a poster that more or less had me intrigued. Well on this particular trip back to the Sumner County Juvenile Court House
I suffered through having the contents of my purse poured out and sifted through to bring my camera into the court house hopeful of the opportunity to take a picture of that poster I blogged about. However, that poster had been taken down. Luckily, I found my way to the end of the hallway adjacent to the courtroom and found this empty cubicle.
Now in this particular cubicle there were several posters. However, most notably the one you see in the hallway in the above picture. I don't know about you guys but when I go to court the last thing I wan't to see is a picture of a man with a hook in his mouth. This meth ad looked more like an advertisement for Saw V than it did a public service message.
Now inside my little cubicle we have three other contestants. First is the Heroin/Cocaine ad which more or less sounded like a one-liner for a horror film.
Second, we have the don't drink alcohol poster, which implies you will get pregnant from drinking alcohol. I kind of chuckled when I read it and thought to myself...yeah, no kidding.
Lastly, we have the "don't huff paint remover" poster which implies it will kill your brain cells quicker than you can remove paint. Mmmkay! Isn't that more or less informing the reader that you can get high from these chemcials? Hell, I didn't even know you could huff paint remover, although the question remains, Who the hell does that?
So after contemplating all the posters I sit down at this make shift desk and in the most uncomfortable chair I believe I have ever sat in throughout the duration of my life. My intentions were to sit down and read a little but that was nearly impossible with the crying babies in the background and all the mindless chatter.
Now I thought I was done taking pictures until I saw this poster at the very end of the hallway as I was walking out to grab a smoke. It's by far the best one I think.

I finally did have my time in court. Everything went as expected. They never really do enforce the orders of the court, they just slap him on the wrist and say pay up. But they never do and I end up right back in court three to six months later. :roll: Regardless, at least this time I took some pictures for you guys. ;)
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