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MsCortana Blog

To post or not to post! *vlog*

Here ya go guys. Man I am simply at my wits end with the rendering with my software. In order to meet the 100mb limit here on gamespot your video quality has to be taken down a notch and that is unfortunate indeed. At any rate, on this edition of Coercion, I talk a bit about World at War multiplayer and ask for a little input on a blog posting.


Hey Ya'll!

Well, I am back! The fine guys down at my local computer shop transferred all the components from my computer to a much larger tower with a 400w power supply. I was able to install my graphics card myself and now I'm up and running....and quite pleased!

In gaming news, I have been playing quite a bit of World at War multiplayer. I have a love/hate relationship with it. I think for the most part I keep playing because I want to be better at it. However, given the erratic spawning and the insane amount of glitching to be found on every map...I believe it is nearly impossible.

I made some headway on Prince of Persia and I really am enjoying the platforming, it is definitely a good change of pace for me. I also pre-ordered the Limited Edition of Halo Wars for my boys, this is one title they had to have...and Mama had to have those multiplayer maps. ;)

I hope to get you guys an edition of Coercion soon. I've simply been busy painting and moving furniture this weekend, that I simply didn't have the time. I did get my MGU video up, but due to the rendering process (which i'm still trying to figure out) on my new software, the audio skips for that you guys have my apologies. My dazzle works perfectly and the quality of the game footage is better than I expected, so I am really enjoying playing with it and snagging a little footage here nor there. ;)

At any rate, I guess that's about it. I'll try to catch up with all of your blogs as my time permits. Did everyone have a good Valentines Day? I spent my time with my MGU guys on xbox live and a few mikes...and let me tell ya..that was good enough for me. I really look at the holiday as a glorified singles awareness day. :P

Well you guys take it easy and I'll catch you folks on live!

Oh and for all of you MGUers...that is Cave being taken advantage of at the end of the video. :lol:


See you folks in a week or so!

Well seems that my new computer is in need of an upgrade already, so I will be taking it in tomorrow to have the components of my computer transferred to another case with a larger power supply. Therefore, I will have no access to a computer so I will not be around here for at the most a week. Any more than a week and I'll go stir crazy without my computer. I suppose I will use the time to catch up on some gaming and a few other things that could use my attention. So until my guys take it easy and I'll catch you folks on live.

....and the Winner is....

First of all, thank you guys for ALL of your great suggestions for my next video. I have decided to go with the MGU gamenight montage, with a twist of Machinima added in. You can probably look for a real Machinima from me in the very near future. However, seeing as the MGU will be celebrating our one year anniversary soon, I thought the gamenight montage would be a better fit.

In other news, my dazzle and new graphics card should arrive in the next few days and I can not emphasize enough how excited I am. Yeah, I'm having a geek sue me! ;) I also became a subscriber to gamespot...finally. It really is nice not being subjected to all those freakin' advertisements.

That is pretty much about it. I have been quite busy with research and another project I've been working on for my local paper, so I really haven't had too much time around gamespot as of late but I will try to catch up as my time permits. :)

For all of you MGUers that read my blog, if you have any interest in assisting in my gamenight montage or the production of the Machinima portions, let me know. I may need some of you for voice overs and as always get your butts in gear and show up for gamenights!

You guys take it easy...and as always...GAME ON!

Lets Brainstorm Shall We?

Alright guys as most of you know, recently my computer crashed and I had to purchase another one. With the PC I also purchased some video editing software. Although, I can't fully use all the features due to the absence of an adequate graphics card, I can however, still utilize some of the features it has to offer.

I've been watching tutorials and playing around with it a little bit, but now I need a project to undertake. Here lies my problem. There's really not alot I can do with the rambling vlogs so I thought some sort of gaming related video would work. But what?

Perhaps you fine people can help a sista out? I need some ideas for my project. I want to keep it game related or something that pertains to Gamespot or the gamespot community. Perhaps a trailer, montage or tribute? I thought perhaps even an introduction video for the MGU! I could do a vlog and incorporate a theme or something...hell, I don't know. I'm really at a loss and could really use some help.

Anything specific you guys would like to see? Any and all suggestions will be appreciated.

So, let the collective brainstorming begin...

Thoughts on Mercenaries 2 on this Edition of Coercion.

I do hope you guys had a great weekend. Thought we would start off the week with another edition of Coercion. This edition I give you fine folks my thoughts on Mercenaries 2 and ramble on about a few other things. I'm considering subscribing to gamespot as I tire of having to edit so much out of these vlogs. Ten minutes simply isn't long enough. Although, I doubt you guys could stay with me longer than ten minutes...:lol:

So if any of you subscribe I would like to hear your thoughts on the subscription plans and if they really are worth the money.

The coerced gamer of the week is ruff_edgz. He was picked for his endurance and stealthy splinter cellish ways in taking out the opposition in Vegas 2. He blogs periodically and has a podcast called Opinion Unlocked which you can check out the Opinion Unlocked blog and podcasts guys cruise over and check it out.

I guess thats about it, as always if you guys have any questions, leave them and I will answer them in my next edition of Coercion. I do hope you guys have a great week ahead.

I also want to give an honorable mention to Dreski, as he will be leaving the live community for awhile and I do hope he knows that he will be missed.


Yet Another Day In Court

For those of you that have been with me for awhile. You may remember a blog about my last day in court in which I described a poster that more or less had me intrigued. Well on this particular trip back to the Sumner County Juvenile Court House

I suffered through having the contents of my purse poured out and sifted through to bring my camera into the court house hopeful of the opportunity to take a picture of that poster I blogged about. However, that poster had been taken down. Luckily, I found my way to the end of the hallway adjacent to the courtroom and found this empty cubicle.

Now in this particular cubicle there were several posters. However, most notably the one you see in the hallway in the above picture. I don't know about you guys but when I go to court the last thing I wan't to see is a picture of a man with a hook in his mouth. This meth ad looked more like an advertisement for Saw V than it did a public service message.

Now inside my little cubicle we have three other contestants. First is the Heroin/Cocaine ad which more or less sounded like a one-liner for a horror film.

Second, we have the don't drink alcohol poster, which implies you will get pregnant from drinking alcohol. I kind of chuckled when I read it and thought to myself...yeah, no kidding.

Lastly, we have the "don't huff paint remover" poster which implies it will kill your brain cells quicker than you can remove paint. Mmmkay! Isn't that more or less informing the reader that you can get high from these chemcials? Hell, I didn't even know you could huff paint remover, although the question remains, Who the hell does that?

So after contemplating all the posters I sit down at this make shift desk and in the most uncomfortable chair I believe I have ever sat in throughout the duration of my life. My intentions were to sit down and read a little but that was nearly impossible with the crying babies in the background and all the mindless chatter.

Now I thought I was done taking pictures until I saw this poster at the very end of the hallway as I was walking out to grab a smoke. It's by far the best one I think.

I finally did have my time in court. Everything went as expected. They never really do enforce the orders of the court, they just slap him on the wrist and say pay up. But they never do and I end up right back in court three to six months later. :roll: Regardless, at least this time I took some pictures for you guys. ;)

Oh Happy Day...

Well I had to post something here to push my embarrassment further down on the list. The general was a good sport and at the end of the day I had a blast making the video, even if I did have a huge headache afterwards.

I'm not going to get into current events as they have completely filled the airways, blogs and forums. We will just leave it at that.

As far as gaming news, I have two more games to add to my laundry list of games to play: Saints Row2 and Mercenaries 2. I might get to one of these sooner than the others as they are both co op games and I'm a co op kind of gal. ;)

I suppose that is it for me today. You guys can look for a normal, un-drunken edition of Coercion Monday, featuring a new Coerced gamer of the week. So until then you guys enjoy your week and as on.

*Oh and Kelli if you still need help with the video, I'm on live from 7:00pm CST to about 11:00pm every night. Just send me a party invite. ;)'s your Vlog! *sighs*

Recently, my computer crashed and I lost everything, so this edition of Coercion was made with movie maker, therefore, the quality isn't all that great. I did however purchase some new video editing software but I need to become familiar with it before I can use it. Also, if anyone knows anything about upgrading graphics cards please let me know. Apparently, I need a better one for some features of my new software to be installed and work properly.

Now as for this vlog, it is my punishment for my Titans losing against the Ravens. I am a little tipsy, so you guys have my apologies ahead of time.:oops:


Dogs Driving Drunk?

I thought I had heard it all, until last night while watching my local news. Apparently, this guy was pulled over for suspicion of driving while intoxicated and what was his response to these allegations you may ask. Well he eloquently slurred and said, "My dog was driving." ..mmmkay! Clearly, the man was in fact intoxicated hence this delusion of his trusty friend driving..or was it?

When the judge asked the now completely sober man in open court what happened he remained steadfast and once again noted that it wasn't him driving, rather the dog. The judge indulged the man and asked if his dog had been drinking, to which the man replied, "I don't think so." :roll:

You know, I have told some doozies in my day but that ladies and gentlemen takes the cake. Wow, did he really think someone was going to believe him? Furthermore, did the pooch even have his seat-belt on? :P

I'm really starting to understand why so many have stereotyped those of us in the south. :(

So I want to hear your excuses. Whether it was your excuse, or one you heard from a friend, colleague or loved one that really blew you away. We have all heard them or used them and I'm simply curious if anyone can trump this guy. ;)