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MysticGurlie Blog

Grieving Time Over

Hey everyone.  I want to thank you all for all of your support.  Even though you never met him, you still cared.  That means A LOT.  Well, it was a rough weekend, but we managed.  We found out that we got Dante at a place where a lot of inbreeding took place.  Most likely he was sick when we got him.  He was lively tho, I never knew.  But if I had the chance to get him again, knowing that he was sick, I would do it again.  he was worth every secong and every dollar.  He was amazing.  My grandparents were nice enough to get us another puppy, because they thought it might ease the pain.  The great thing is, he is SO much like Dante.  He looks like him and even acts like him!  We are quite blessed.  His name is Kero and is a sweetheart.  This lady took VERY good care of her dogs so we hope he will make it.  We will also do better to take care of him.  In every way possible.  I hope he doesn't get too spoiled! :lol:

The Worst Isn't Over

 This is my little Dante.  He is the  greatest puppy of all time.  He is so tiny, and already 4 months.  Unfortunately yesterday, his life took a turn for the worst.  I woke up and he was sleeping, but he usually wakes up when I do.  I thought he was just very tired.  A couple hours later, I go try to get him up and he can't move, he's barely breathing and he's very cold.  I picked him up and he was hanging on by strings.  I called my grandma so she could take him to the vet because I was obligated to go to work.  They didn't know what was wrong with him at first, but they came to the conclusion that he ate rat poison or he has hook worms.  Apparently he lost a LOT of blood.  Most likely in his stool, because I didn't ever see him bleeding.  They gave him a blood transfusion, and dewormed him and kept him over night.  My eyes still burn from all of the crying.  He means so much to us....and not just WHOLE family.  He is only still alive because my grandparents paid for his hospitalizing.  I thank God for them and all the prayers of my family.  I don't know how he's doing yet, but I'm going to go check him this morning.  I miss him so much.  :( I'm sorry if I don't come on today.  Just wanted to let you guys know what was up. 

Life life life

So another day, another week.  Just great.  I had such a BUSY weekend.  We ended up staying the WHOLE weekend at my brothers house.  Youth bible study fri night, our nieces birthday party on sat, and church and a couples bible study yesterday.  Oh so tired.  And now I have to work 4 days this week.  Not looking forward to that.  But this last weekend was really fun.  yesterday night I not only got Pokemon, but i also bought myself a nice lil toy.  A pair of Bose OE's.  WOW....I never knew music could sound so good with headphones.  They are AMAZING!!  So worth it for me cause I love to use headphones.  We have a nice car system, and I always wanted to have that kind of system in the house or when I go somewhere.  And having these headphones is like having my car system with me at ALL times.  PERFECT! was a good weekend.  And i hope this will be a good week.  I gotta study more :?  What did you guys do this last weekend?  Here's a pic of my new babies.  New sound for my new laptop! :D


Small, yet mighty!

My Union

I just wanted you all to know that I have a union called Ninpals.  Any of you who like a lil or love a lot Nintendo, feel free to join!  We need people who are going to be involved.  Thanks so much!  By the way, we are having a "Get to know you" meeting at 4PM.  It'd be kewl if I saw some of you there! :)

Gee whiZ! i barely survived this week of work right?  So NOW they are asking me to work Mon-Fri from 10 to 2.45 next week!!  I can NOT believe it!  I don't WANT to, but I will cause my boss is on vacate.....and he always lets me take vacations.  He's pretty much the best boss ever....he gives me the hours and days off i want.  I should not be complainin at all.  Ha ha!  Well, heres to my AWESOME boss.  I will work those LONG days just for him.  Ha ha.  But I'm hoping i can squeeze some Japanese up in there, cause I know I'm gonna be super tired after work.  But anyways,  it's a rainy day and I'm spending ALL of my time online today.  I'm totally useless.  You know what I feel like doing?  I feel like going to the movies....not really to watch a movie, but to eat popcorn.  Yummy movie popcorn.  Ha ha.  Does anyone go to the movies really just for the popcorn?  And the movie is just like a perk?  Ha ha!  I try not to cause movies are so expensive!  So it better be a REALLY good movie!  Like Transformers!  Can't wait! :D

Oh So Tired

One more day until work is  over for the week.  FINALLY!  I only wanted to work 2 days a week but i am workin 3 days for 4-5 hours each day.  That is a LOT for me.  Ha ha!  Pathetic, i know.  But on my off days,  I gotta study Japanese, and let me tell you, that is hard work. I just never stop!  Even on the weekends i don't get to just stay at home and chill out!  There is ALWAYS something to do!  At least tonight we don't have anything planned.  Oh!  Guess what??  I got 2 subscriptions at EB today!  i have to try to get subs(subscriptions) and reserves everyday.  Subs are very hard to get and reserves aren't too bad.  ESPECIALLY with Pokemon.  So getting 2 in a day, especially for me, is like WOW.  Ha ha!  Hopefully i get SOMETHING tomorrow.  Well....Im sure you guys don't really wanna hear about my boring work, but i just wanted to share my bit of good news and let you all know how exhausted i am.  But I'm not tired enough to stay away from all ya'll!  ;)

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl

Okay. so who's getting Pokemon and which one are you getting? I hope lots of people I know get it so we can battle via the WII! Those will be good times.  Oh yes....hi by the way. I know, I know. I said I would be on here for now on, and I failed again.  Although i know many of you aren't surprised.  Just to let ya know what's goin' on with me, Iwork at EB Games AGAIN and Cubb and I are in the process of learning Japanese.  Good times.  In addition to that, we got a new puppy and his name is Dante.  Named after, as many of you should know, Dante from Devil May Cry.  So that's what's been goin' on over here.  How are you all doin? :D

Ha ha....back again!

So yes.....i was away for quite a while again.....playin too much wii and ds....its a drug!! lol not to mention i have house duties and lots of anime to watch. oh ya....and when i came on here....well actually my husband signed me on...i found out i am the leader of the pokemon revolution union...WOW...i know! lol i guess this is what happens when you don't come on for a while. so if you want a place to hang out and talk....join. talk about ANYTHING!! PLEASE! :Dso whats up with you guys? me??? husband just got a new monday thru friday 9-5 job!! i am SOOO happy and relieved that he won't be gettin home at like 7 or 10. we also got a new car and shes a beauty!! her name is ultraviolet and shes an 07 corolla. our last cars were over 10 years so...yes...we are STOKED!!! so ya....hows your lives goin?

I'm BACK!!!! has been the LONGEST time EVER since i have been on here!!! This holiday season has just been SOOOO insane!! Forgive me all of my loyal friends!! i hope you have not forgotten about me. My husband even tells me that some of you have asked about me.... ::cry:.....boy.....what a failure i have been. i will get back to all of my duties on here and i hope to hear A LOT form you guyz!! Merry belated Christmas.....i hope everyone had a good one. i know i sure did. i got a GRIP of games that i have been wanting for SOOOO long and a few i am a HAPPY camper!! new years is comin up and i wanna know what you all are up to!!! so fill me in on what i've missed guyz! love you all!!:P

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