all so so beautiful....i am can't WAAAAAIIIIIITTT!!!!!!!!!!! is it the 19th yet?? does anyone watch heroes?? cause i wish i was hiro right now....teleporting to the future.
zelda isn't FF so they don't need to talk. link is link and he should stic to his quiet nature with thte occasional grunt here and there. thats all the voice he needs. i don't think any voice could EVER measure up to links AMAZING staus.
actually i think if ocarina came out today with the way graphics are might have gotten a teen rating too. i mean....does anyone remember the shadow dungeon?? looked like blood was smeared everywhere. and i mean think about it....he has a sword and hes slahing away at living things....its kinda violent just thinkin about it. lol i LOVE it!! im totally okay with the new rating...just as long as its not a bloody killing spree...which is pretty much impossible.
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