MystikRex's forum posts
The controls were never a problem when the games came out. You've just jumped into the series too late and have been spoiled by an analogue stick :)I made my own maiden voyage into the Resident Evil series extremely recently, with the GCN/Wii remake of the original Resident Evil. And I hated it, because it controls incredibly badly. There's no such thing as analog control in that game, and, from what I understand of the series as a whole, Capcom has never bothered to fix this glaring problem in any of the other games either. They're still making RE as if it's 1995.
I suppose I have.
I've always been pretty damn good on the Tony Hawk series. Much better than my friends ever were so I used to show them how its done :) Also my nephew has THPS4 for PS2 and sometimes I'll play while the rest of the family are watching just to show off a bit. And I remember when I was on holiday in Germany with family, I had brought a few PS2 games to play on my cousins console. One of those was THUG 2 so I did a bit of showing off there too lol
I don't know any off by heart. So I will direct you to this video of Billy Connolly getting a colonoscopy. If you don't find it funny, check your pulse :) (be warned it has strong but funny language)
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