I think it's a great game and is worth picking up. I enjoyed a lot more than GoW tbh as there's more to it e.g. the magic, collectables, the damned, choice of being holy or unholy. The circles of Hell are visually amazing too. It gets a lot of stick for being similar to GoW but I just don't understand that. It's still good fun.
R.U.S.E. Probably the only RTS I've been able to really enjoy. It looks amazing and plays just as good. It seems to have passed everyone by which is a real shame as it deserves all the praise it hasn't been getting. Also The Saboteur. :)
I only own a 360 and have 14 games for it (not including 4 original Xbox games) and even that is overwhelming me. I can't seem to stay on one game for long and keep flicking between several. I think I just need a break from gaming.
Yeah sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. I took the advice from another thread on here that recommended disabling the WYSIWYG editor and that helped. :)
No thanks. I personally hate Facebook and just recently deleted my account on there so really don't want to see this. I'd rather see a film about Gamespot. :)
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