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NK_Nighthawk Blog


Im sorry for not being on the past few days, but i've been doing a lot. For one my brother and sister both are home from college now, so im trying to hang out with them. Then im also trying to do a lot of things with my friends since i only have 2 weeks off and 1 of those week i'll be off with my family away from home. Speaking of which, im going to be gone until about the 3rd of Jan i basically NO HOUSE PARTIES WHILE IM GONE!! :evil:


No seriously :|

PS. Merry Christmas to All!! :D

long time no see, blog

Man, i havent done one in a while :? i guess i'll just ramble on about my day...;)

Today i actually did a lot of things, and basically had no free time at all. i left at 7am to go "birding" for a school project thing. It was a big thing so i was there from 7am-1pm and that was leaving early :?. Basically i was in a group with one of my friends and a random other "bird expert" person...and we walked for hours noting all the birds we saw/heard...i was soooooo bored :(. The reason i had to leave early was because we (my parents, brother and me) were going to our church's Christmas concert at 5. At about 1pm, i got back home and took a shower. Then after my shower i found out it was decided that we would go to the 3pm concert and do other stuff afterwards...the concert was pretty cool, it was mostly carols. The song "the drummer boy" was pretty cool tho. It was like a rock concert or something, an elevated plaform, flashing lights, and a lot of noise. 3 people were standing on the platform with drums, underneath the raised part were about 10 other people who all had trash can got pretty intense....

anyways, then after church (about 4:30-5pm) we went to the mall because my mom had to get stuff. I remebered i had to get a "Secret Santa" present for my secret santa in my spanish clas..i had a girl. I didnt kno what to get but between choclates and candles, i chose candles. i got a red and a green ones, both scented (red = cinnamon, green = pine). plus both were only $10 total :). After that it was about 6pm. we went to go get chinese food. we finished at 7:30, and rushed over to the movie theater and saw "I am Legend". It was pretty good. my dad said it was a remake of the movie "Omega Man". I highly recomend this movie :D. The movie ended at 9:30 or so, so we drove home. (I basically just got home).

That's about it...until next time, blog...until next time

1,000 posts!!!

Yay, i just noticed that i have just broken 1000 posts, this calls for a party...or more just an extension of all the other FE and *sigh* SMG parties out there.I got all the food and drinks. Wut r u guys bringing, if u're comin' :o??

Party starts tomarrow...

Games Looking Foreward To/Still Need to Get

Man, i havent done one of these in a while...anyways there are afew of games that i am looking foreward to and still need to get like

Looking Foreward To (GETTING)

SSBB (Surprise!)

No More Heroes

Medal of Honor Heroes 2


Ghost Squad

Need To Still Get

Metty Prime 3

Fire Emblem RD

Resident Evil 4 Wii-Make

Dragon Blade

Looking Foreward To (We'll See)

BWii 2



As you can probably see, im mostly waiting for more games. The biggest games i want tho are SSBB and FERD (and MP3). They are all going to be my favorite games on my wii forever. I cant think of any yeah. What do you guys think about these games? What games do you want or still need to get? Any Q's?

TIMESPLITTERS 4 ANNOUNCED!!!!!!!!!!!! (caps)

YES! :D I cant believe they are going to make it! This is easily one of my favorite FPS series out there. The story mode is fine, but the multiplayer is awesome! (Type in timesplitters 4 in the search bar)...This game better come out on the Wii or i will die a little inside, i cant see why it wouldnt though see as how well the Wii is selling Free Radical would be stupid not to take it to the Wii...yeah

*excess of smiley faces* :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Some Funny $#!7

The other day my friend showed me these videos on youtube, i thought they were really funny, so yeah...

The link is to the first video, after that one go to pt 3 (it's too bad that pt 2 and 4 arent there anymore, so the next one is 3)

(He also showed me this one and it's just intense if you like the Halo and or Metriod Series, P.S. ending= weird and risque)

Why Calculus? Why have you forsaken me?!?!

OMG! Calculus is so f-ing annoying! I always gotten math all throughout school except until now. I'm in AP Calc (the first Calc clas my school offers) and i dont get it. Algebra was pin, but this?...ugh. Why math!?!?! Oh well, time to start 1/2 assing it...

*goes off to cry in corner and slit wrists*

Pissed off!!

My parents can be so annoying some times! I've offered to pay for MP:3 (the game) since it first came out, all they have to do is drive me there! But they still wont/haven't! Also they will hardly let me play my games anymore as it is. I don't see why tho. I have straight A's (as i have since elementary school) doing fine there and what not. And when i ask for a reason why not they just say because! I bet they think they are just going to get it for Christmas or something but they don't understand that i still want like 6 other games coming out by the end of this year. Parents = evil. *cries a little*


Im not that much of a blog poster but im going to try it out a little. So...well i'll just tell whoever really cares a little about me. My name is Nick, (hence the NK). Right now im a junior (11th grade) in high school. I live the US in california. I'm taking my first APclas_es (apparently wont let me type clas_ *fill in blank with an s*)this year, meh they're not that bad so just kinda sux tho because i have 7 clas_es and 4 of them are APs. Anyways, im 16, i really like videogames (hence being on this site) but only have a wii. I really want a 360...(H3 why?!?! *on knees, shaking hands in air*) but funny joke to my parents getting me one. I also like to read fantasy books like the Sword of Truth and Wheel of Time series'. I can speak a little spanish. i...cant think of anything can ask questions if you want...yeah...


Well, Im not exactly 'new' to this site. I have probably been visiting it since about two years ago. I only decided to join because it was free and I just thought, "What the Hell, why not!?" So here I am, finally a member. 8)
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