Come On Guys don't blame GS because Sony put out a half A$$ console. The blueTooth is faulty, No Rumble, Sucky Controller [Way too Small] just to name a few.. why spend 600 just to play movies????? The games are no better than 360 in a lot of cases worse. Just telling the truth.
I am sure Sony will be OK but I must support 360 and Wii as I own them both and they provide a much more ENTERTAINING gaming experience than my friends PS3...
I am sure Sony will be OK but I must support 360 and Wii as I own them both and they provide a much more ENTERTAINING gaming experience than my friends PS3...
I am sure Sony will be OK but I must support 360 and Wii as I own them both and they provide a much more ENTERTAINING gaming experience than my friends PS3...
I am sure Sony will be OK but I must support 360 and Wii as I own them both and they provide a much more ENTERTAINING gaming experience than my friends PS3...
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