I think everyone should just get their fav. system and be happy it doesn't really matter which system is better only the one[s] that satisfy us as gamerz.............................:) If I stay in this forum another day I will probably get FIRED!!!!! LOL it has been fun.......
It Was Not A Rumor...... Not long after the SNES was released, Nintendo, in response to Sega's hot new product, at the time anyway, the Sega CD, Nintendo promised players that they too would have a CD-ROM for their SNES, and it would be bigger and badder than Sega's. This CD-ROM drive has taken many forms over the years, until finally, Nintendo announced that they had decided to abandon CD-ROM technology, and discontinued any plans for a CD-ROM device; this still stands today. One of the most interesting aspects of the defunct SNES CD-ROM, is that it, indirectly, was responsible for the creation of two new systems; the N64, the official replacement of the CD-ROM unit, and Sony's PlayStation. Read on, and you will find out exactly what happened. http://www.gamersgraveyard.com/repository/snes/history/snescdrom.html
You are wrong about that controller brother.... It is super responsive and super awesome... But since Nintendo gave birth to the playstation .... Like Father Like Son LOL
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