NOODLES_07's forum posts
UNLESS your a crazy fanboy
its 10 quid cheaper man
unless you wipe your ass with ten quid notes and your a rich kid you would go for the cheaper version.
and and night time we get a huge fire then come home play some gears FTW
my bebo you cant acess it but as you will see in my PIC for bebo i have LOTS of friends...
Hallooo 3
Every cool kid ya know likes they games and has them the neds and chavs love them
also be honest you ever seen a crap scottish sniper on gears of war
handed the joypad over to her she had a shot,she sucked, but the point is a man playing a game with goar proves the man aint a nerd
(i recomend a wii if you want the girl to have a good time)
but playing gears has more goar than any ps3 and wii game,also gta SAN ANDREAS girls like that,so guys go back to your WOW or resistance or what ever geek game you play
girls find gears of war cool,they find any wii game fun
im level 51 all my friends moved from gears to cod4 for like a mounth now were back at gow and im loving it
css sucks lolteh graphics are so poor
gears of war > any console multiplayers graphics
Gears of war > best headshots ever
Gears of war >GORE FTW
gears of war has sold more thn any ps3 game and scored higher than any ps3 game for a reason IT RULES
keep hatin haters
just like when cows were saying resisistance > gow
LOL they all got owned
if you have only played gears once or twice the reason you dont like it is you suck at it
as the round starts you run and 3 of your team mates go to the torque bow you decide to go the sniper,before you know it your pinned down you see a life sized locust running towards him you blind fire with the shotty hes gone,blood everywhere,you look down see his body parts
i grab the sniper and i headshot this idiot who is standing still his headpops of he falls to the ground,
i turn round to see a chainsaw going though my body i think WTF dam
the round ends
i speak to the other team for 9 secounds
my point is in gears every gun fight your in is a battle
in cod 4 you run round shooting people its like 2 hit kills from any weapon,just not the same experence
epic deleverd from what they wanted
resistance 2 lol 60 plays multiplayer,im sure that will be fun /LOL no battles will take place just mindless killing
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