Funny thing is, we can knock streetlights down by simply hitting them with a motorcycle. I've hit another car in GTA, flown out of the window, hit the streetlight with my body and broke it. I don't get why we can't destroy trees with strong cars.
I know right? Priuses suck and it's not really that great of technology. If you turn on the A/C on a Prius, it starts using its gas motor. If you go on the freeway with a Prius, it switches to its gas motor and uses more gas than a regular car because the engine works harder to go the freeway speeds.
I've played 200+ hours of Skyrim and I can say that it doesn't deserve the title. It's a really, really great game and it's a game that actually has quality, but I wouldn't say it's the best of the generation, just one of the better games of this gen. I think Oblivion would have been a better candidate mainly because of the much better story and more live/colorful world. Only downside for me of Oblivion was the character models.
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