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NakedGlowX Blog

New Siggie[s] (Rate? :D) \ Just watched King King (Summary)

Submission for The Politics of Digital Art union contest:

(I couldn't find the pictures I wanted so my friend recommended I make one with BoA. Ffs, I don't even listen to her music T_T")

And the one I'm using:

(Strange... I looks much less "faded" when I was making it...)

Warning: I might say some spoilers without noticing!!

So this is one of the great movies of the year, neh? Well, atleast most anticipated... Anyways, I was expecting more and got the worse. -Ahem-, okay, some giant ape likes a female that joined this "filming trip" since she had no money. When she got captured, the people she was with had to find her (don't know why... love?). She was captured by some "orc" lookin' people that are quite freaky... And stupid. Anywho, the crew run through obstacles such as: the "orc" people which are fearless till they hear gun shots (retards), giant roaches (they jump on you... yeah. That's it), a stampede of Brontacourus (I know I spelled that wrong...), and huge wurms (they look like giant penises with thier meat coming out of the skin and thier "uretha" as the mouth T_T). While they're in their peril, Kong is saving the girl from T-Rexs' that want to eat her (obviously). He kills 2 of them and kills the last one by ripping out his tounge and breaking his jaw (then he plays with the jaw or trying to see if it's still alive [My god, you broke his jaw, obviously it is dead]). So, they finally capture Kong out of luck and bring him to New York. Kong is straped through chrome steel and is displayed in a theater. As people gasp and cheer, Kong suddenly breaks free from the chains (oh no!) and rampages through the city looking for Ann (the girl). He finds her, then goes to the highest tower in the city after playing slide with her on the frozen pond in the park. On the tower he is shot by air planes for about 25mins and finally dies and falls down. Come on, Kong, you should've gone down the building then fight... Well, overall, it's a okay movie that shows how stupid humans really are (Ex: "The planes didn't get him... The beauty killed the beast...". Wtf, you brought him here in the first place! Say something like "The planes didn't get him... I killed him"). Well, congradulations Mr. emo-monkey, you made me frown each time you got hurt and made the kid next to me cry.

Happy New Year to 2006!!

-Sigh- Time flies by so fast, neh? Well, it also means a new start for some people.


HAP-... Wait, I still got to wait 4 hours and 27 minutes...

Well, atleast Chinese New Year is comming which means more $$.

Merry Christmas!! Check out my gifts!

Phooie, just woke up... Didn't unwrap my presents yet. Eh heh heh. I'll open them once I come back from a party with my friends. I'll post the list.

Edit: Alrighty, boys, I'm back! If your wondering about the party, just think of a Halo LAN party with more girls than guys, flirtatious atmosphere, and "giggidy" present exchanges. Sounds great cept me and my friend were shouting and yelling when we were playing Halo 2 (ey, don't laugh,  I know you do, too). ._.;

To the list!:
- $50 bill (awesome since I never saw the design for it before)
- 256mb MS Pro Duo (still going to get a 1gb T_T)
- Huge Snowman Blanket (great for late night gaming)
- iPod Nano (gave it to the girl... I have my eyes on since I already got a Mp3 Player :] )
- A huge collection of Uniball's Signo Pens (love how they write)
- A scarf (thanks, anyways, grandpa)
- A $30 gift card for Starbucks (meh, I like coffee)
- FL Studio 5.0 (common, William, GIVE ME REASON!!!)
- Samurai Champloo Vol 1-3 (I love you, Emi!)
And last:
- ChopSticks (I have no idea how to thank you, Milly)

Tell me what you guys got... If you want. Chinese New Year right after... This is sooo awesome. Gifts then money. :3

New Siggie (Rating would be appreciated)

Well, it's a bit big:

Yes, I know it looks slutty... You should see the full image if you think that's too much. O_o"

Rate please? :D

Edit: Oh my god, my friend made a comment and I just have to share it with you guys.... -Ahem-... "Pointeh Boobehs". Lmfao!

Just came back. . .

Well, I hate to sound lame but DisneyLand is... Fun. I might upload some pictures if I get the guts...

Just updated my Signature and User Icon. Don't have much to say right now... Might type up another review if I could finish up my homework.

New Review (Tokobot) and achievements!

After a long time, I finally decided to review my lastest game, Tokobot.

Also, like a week ago, I traded in Coded Arms for Tokobot (don't care about that game anyways) and Burnout: Legends for Lumines (got tired of it but I had great times...).
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