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Nakichiel Blog

Do you believe in Jesus?

The duke of darkness,

This man is my hero!

...And only two more weeks untill I get my Turbojugend jacket.
Is anyone here familiar with Turbonegro? You should check them out.

Naki's ass-kicking Habanero Soup

You get a pound of Habaneros.
Dice and remove seeds.
Wok those babies up for a minute or so in a drop of sesame oil.

Hmmm, smells good eh ?

Next, throw em in all a blender along with a few soup cubes (could be vegetable I don't care), WATER and some MAIZENA.

Puree that mixture.

Ready !


No, I didn't think you would.

This one is guaranteed to get your 'rhoids flaring.

One Liners

It is cool to say something cool. It is a form of art to make one little sentence sound awesome or funny. With 'Get over here' alone you won't make it, al tough it is a step in the right direction.
This is why the creative minds that came up with these oneliners, now get the credit they deserve.

5. 'Namu namu namu namu namu namu...' Yoshimitsu, Soul Calibur II
Yoshimitsu, our freelance brawler, is a bit of a weirdo. He dresses, to say it softly, odd and he's got some freaky moves. But that's not all, because the things he says aren't really sober. Namu namu? What does it actually mean? `”Namu" means to devote, to adore, or to follow.’ Okay, that doesn't make it clear at all.


4. 'You never touch the other elves like that.' Alleria, Warcraft II
Ah yes, that Alleria... The adventures we've experienced together, the warriors we crushed under our feet. *sigh*, It was wonderful. Too bad you would get an unfriendly remark if you sought a little affection from the elven lady. For some weird reason she didn't like a cursor on her behind. 

3. 'Just think of this as socialism in action.' Tommy Vercetti, GTA: Vice City
Our friendly gangster Tommy Vercetti isn't from yesterday, like the GTA-fans among us know. But the coolest thing he says is: 'Just think of this as socialism in action' when he drags someone out of a car and races off. And noone can say such an awesome line like the infamous Ray Liotta. Yup, Tommy Vercetti reïnvented the meaning of coolness all by himself.


2. 'Your lives that I spit on are now but a caricature of a cartoon drawn by a kid who is stupid.' Fawful, Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga
What do you think of this diss to the Mario-brothers? The little evil gimp of Cackletta in Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga is a weird case. Maybe you know the website Asians sometimes have a lot of trouble with the English language. It looks like Fawful spent a lot of time there, because his English is to cry about. He reminds me of a Japanese caricature. Big glasses, lots of teeth: just like the Japanese were pictured during World War II.

1. 'I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of gum.' Duke Nukem, Duke Nukem 3D
Duke, dude, even if we have to wait forever on your new adventure, you are and always will be the most bad-ass game character ever. And you know it, that's why you keep us waiting so long, isn't it? One thing is certain, in Duke Nukem Forever there has to be at least 1 oneliner that could top the above. Or this one: 'Your face, your ass, what's the difference?'

Yusuf keepin it real


Famous Wrestlers (Pehlivans)

1861-1886 Gaddar Kel Alio "Ruthless Bald Alico" ( b.1845 - d.1922)

Champion for 26 years. He left the wrestling when he was defeated by Koca Yusuf and became the coach of Adali Halil.

1887 Koca Yusuf of Sumnu / Alio apprentice (b.1857 Sumnu, near Deliorman Bulgaria - d. 4th of June 1898) In 1885 he defeated Kel Alico at the Edirne Kirkpinar and got the Gold Belt.

Champion for 18 years. He defeated all the wrestling champions in Europe and went to America to defeat Robert the Champion of America, becoming the Universal Champion of wrestling on the 21st of May 1898.
Finally, in Chicago, Yusuf quickly defeated the famous Ed Lewis.

After that, he boarded the liner La Bourgogne for the voyage back to France. Off Nova Scotia it hit another ship and sank, taking down 500 people including the Terrible Turk.

The survivors remember Yusuf acting "like a wild beast."
With a dagger in his hand, he forced his way through the frightened crowds waiting to board the lifeboats. By the time he reached the rails, a fully loaded boat was already being lowered. Ignoring the shouts of the crew, he jumped into it.

His huge weight, together with the violence of his leap, overturned the boat and all its occupants were thrown into the sea.

Yusuf, although a good swimmer, was dragged down by the weight of his 10,000 Dollar gold belt and drowned. 



the "Terrible Turk", Coka Yusuf at the peek of his athletic career.

Andre Hazes : an open wound of a man

My analysis

Andre Hazes is the archetypical depressive ('serious style') folk singer; his songs are about sadness, lonelines and love lost. He's rather extreme in his style, his face expresses a sad, melancholic mind. Andre suppresses his depressive feelings with beer and sausages, he's really fat. He's so succesful commercially because he naturally feels the blues he's singing about, has experienced many relational problems.

In accordance with his personal wish, Andre's ashes were dispersed over the North sea in a gigantic ASS ROCKET. Approx. 2,5 million viewers watched the event, broadcast live on Dutch television.

Andre's children had their father's name tattooed on their bodies with ink made from his ashes.

The ravenous, sausage-devouring Andre drank up to a hundred beers per day, every day, setting an example for all of us.

The Hassle With Wrassle

The Turkish national sport. It is commonly known as oil wrestling because the wrestlers douse themselves with olive oil. The wrestlers are known as pehlivan, meaning hero, and wear a type of hand-stitched lederhosen called kisbet

Unlike Olympic wrestling, oil wrestling matches may be won by achieving an effective hold of the kisbet. Thus, the pehlivan aims to control his opponent by putting his arm through the latter's kisbet. To win by this move is called pacha kazik. Originally, matches had no set duration and could go on for one or two days, until one man was able to Kirkpinar, held in Edirne since 1362, is the oldest continuously running, sanctioned sporting competition in the world. In recent years this style of wrestling has also become popular in other countries, most notably the Netherlands and Japan.

Obviously, Turkish wrestling is a sport that shows the male body in a way that holds great erotic appeal for some (oil-drenched muscular athletes wearing nothing but short, tight leather pants who grapple in the hot sun, occasionally with their hands down each other's trousers).

In recent years, homosexual men in other countries have become aware of Turkish wrestling, and even gone on tours to the Kirkpinar Games (analogous to heterosexual men attending a female mud wrestling event). This has caused consternation among some of the athletes and organizers, to the point that organizers have demanded that gay men not attend the games.

...Just grab the stuff and it's yours...
they make my **** bleed...
Buns of steel...
Wipe til it bleeds....

..So young and clean..

Rendez-vous with anus...

Showing my face here again

Hello people,

I haven't been here for a while, but I will be getting more active again. Let's just say the last few months were are rock n roll rollercoaster!!

And now I'm free all summer. Let the good times continue!

Childhood Nostalgia

In the spirit of childhood nostalgia, specifically the terrifying elements of it, please find below an example of what terrified me as a kid, the source of fear being my old beloved Atari ST:

Behold the prawn-shrimp-alien-monster from level 1 of R-Type! Actually this thing wasn't scary so much as a b*tch to beat. The trick was to move your spaceship inside that scorpion-like tail so you were out of its stinging reach, leaving you free to blast at his delicate eyeball-underbelly. But sadly this was where my R-Type adventure would grind to a halt, as I found the subsequent levels very treacherous to complete.

Is it just me or were computer games designed to be impossible back in the 80s?


I've felt like I was supposed to do something important today, and I have no idea what it was supposed to be. I don't mean in that sense that I actually had something planned that I was supposed to attend, but more in the metaphysical sense, as if fate wanted me to be at a certain place at a certain time but I had no idea what fate's schedule was. I do know that my internet cut out twice, and I kept getting disconnected from Unreal Tournament over and over again for no reason, as if fate was telling me to get the hell off the computer. I hate premonitions, especially when I can't figure them out.

Fate should really learn to use email.

I feel so damned manic lately and it's driving me crazy. I ran 5 miles today, and I'll probably start doing it every day or every other day. Maybe I should take advantage of this stage and clean my room.

I tried working on a tattoo design that I've been wanting to get for a long time, but I couldn't get from the concept in my head to anything resembling what I want it to look like on paper. Maybe I can coerce my artsy fartsy (extra emphasis on fartsy) roommate to do it for me.

I need to do something creative. I think that's what is building up inside me.
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