not sure what you mean?
Id and Valve have never complained about sales and piracy like Crytek have
Indeed. If anything, they've only decried against people who complain, saying you can't stop it and must do something to make your games more appealing. Although VALVe's non-invasive DRM and great deals are the secrets to their success.
Valve succes is that thier games are good, every PC gamer wants them
Doom 3 was garbage, yet it still sold well
Piracy has nothing to do with it, people pirate on Consoles aswell
I dont see every PC gamer's obessions with valve, with the exception of portal all their games are bland and boring too, in fact even more bland and boring than crysis. Valve has also been multiplatform for a long time now and has been using the same engine for its games for way too long, I can name another game franchise thats gets alot of flak for doing that. So when Crysis devs make a a multiplatform game that dont push PC hardware they are sellouts, But when valve uses the same outdated engine for years and have been multiplatform for a long time they are still saints. I am a PC gamer and this post is not so much about defending crysis 2 but attacking hermits unwavering loyalty to valve. I love steam, I have to give valve credit for that its awesome, but as a developer they are nothing special, especially lately.
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