@dariantlaw: I WISH my mom would take me this weekend. It would be some good quality time and it would save me the money. But you can take a bird too since you're also acting like a butt.
I just hope I don't get bamboozled like with Heavy Rain (which was a decent game, but the story was a huge letdown in the end). Here's hoping. I'm definitely intrigued by this game though. The demo was a hoot.
I don't know how I had such fond memories of this game. The timing issues are infuriating.
The fact that this remastering doesn't have a retry stage option and keeps it cutscenes from the ps1 era AND doesn't fix the timing issues shows this was a money grab. I'm ashamed to have bought this.
1) Empire. Easy. "Luke I'm your father" "I love you! I know." "BEEENNNNN. DAGOBAH." "And I thought... they smelled bad... on the outside!!"
2)Force Awakens. It's return to form has nothing to do with this spot. It was a great film. Sure it rehashed from IV, but with many improvements and very little drawbacks (looking at you Kylo Ren. and Rey using the force on intuition).
3) RotJ. Ah. One of my favorite parts about this movie was the ambiguous ending (to me) about how Luke could have possibly turned to the dark side. That's why I rank Force awakens above this.
4) New Hope. A great film by all means. I just don't think it stacks up to the others of the original trilogy.
5)Revenge of the Sith. Sure the battle between Anakin and Obi was lackluster because we never got to experience their friendship in the film... but in the end, everything in this film is better than Jar Jar.
6) Phantom Menace. With some minor tweaks this could have been amazing. and set the tone for an even more amazing prequel trilogy. Darth Maul, Anakin was too young, No jar jar!
7) Attack of the Clones. The on screen romance chemistry goes about as well as a chair and an armoire.
Nasuke1's comments