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NathanJR94 Blog

I used to be disrespected

When I was a new member, I was treated the exact opposite of what a new member should be treated. I used to be reported a lot. My topic on the spongebob forums 'If seasons 4-6 never existed', people were constantly going off-topic, I told them to stay on topic, and I got reported off topic. That topic was a nightmare. I was always treated badly. I wanted to leave at the time. I did for about a week. Why did you disrespect me? All my topics were locked. I did not really like during that time. Now I like because I am not treated the way I used to be when I was new. Thanks for being nice to me right now. Back then, I cried after any time someone reported me. This concludes my blog. When you comment here, apologize to me for anything you might have did that offended me. I have an apology myself. I am sorry bob_ball for saying the spinnys was a dumb idea. That day, I had a very bad day that day. I was mad because everyone at my school was being mean to me, so I got mad, and said something about the spinnys that I never should have said. Remember, when you comment here, say any apologys you might have for me. See you next blog!;)