NaturalBornGamR's forum posts
My 360 got the 3 red rings about 2 hours ago... I sent a repair request to Microsoft. My 360 is an Elite that I bought August 2nd 2007. I had just bought an AV cable from Ebay that allows you too hook your 360 up to your PC monitor. It worked great! I played some GTA4 and some Guitar Hero 2 before shutting it off and going to bed.. I woke up and decided to play some more.. turned the console on and immediatly got the red rings. I thought this must have something to do with the new av connection I'm using. unplugged it and switched to my hdmi cable and still.. red rings.. did all the things likes take the hard drive out etc... etc... and still red rings. This is stupid I paid $500 for this thing and this should have been after they fixed all the problems that the 360s were having but I guess not. I never thought this would happen to me especially with an Elite. Anyways I guess i'm gonna have to be without my 360 for a month.. or else I go out and buy an arcade system then return it to the store once my repaired 360 arrives which means If I use my credit card I'll get a huge finance charge. This is very disheartning because I had planned to purchase a brand new TV this weekend primarily to use with my 360. 40" Samsung LCD =(
EDIT: My error code when holding sync and eject was 0020 which is undefined error. When using my pc monitor with the av cable I changed the resoloution to fit that monitor... I dunno if that had caused it to over heat or what.. the res was almost as high as it could go.
"Yes, try to keep your 360 in a well ventilated spot. This will help it stay cool, and not freeze..."
If its already freezing why would you want it to stay COOL?
*rim shot*
So many good games on the 360... say my favorite is Call of Duty 4. runners up would be
Halo 3
Rock Band
Guitar Hero series
Gear of War
Street Fighter Hyper Fighting
Puzzle Fighter HD remix
Bomber Man online
Dead Rising
Geometry Wars
Texas Holdem
All the above games kick serious ass and I got alot of play out of them and still playing them
Can't believe nobody has mentioned Street Fighter 4! or Super Street Fighter 2 HD REMIX.
and of course I have to go with GTA IV
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