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Riot Act
A game with so much fun disappoints me.
The creators of the Rachet and Clank series have created Crackdown, an open world game where you play as a super powered agent working for an agency. If you are looking for a deep storyline, turn the other way as this ga... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
This is not a 9.5. The actual score is 9.8.
When my brother bought Uncharted a couple of weeks ago, I was kind of on the line of wanting to play this game and not play it. In less than a week of playing this game, I beat it and loved it. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune... Read Full Review
3 of 3 users found the following review helpful
Alan Wake
Creepy atmospheres, an excellent storyline, and fun gameplay makes Alan Wake the best thriller in the past decade.
SCORE: 9.4 PROS (+) + A fantastic story that keeps you guessing and interested. + The darkness in each level is excellent. The creepy atmosphere never ceases to scare the gamers. + Great gameplay that never becom... Read Full Review
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Portal 2
A full length campaign backed up by a clever script and incredible voice acting, Portal 2 is a game you have to play
SCORE: 9.8 PROS (+) + A full length campaign that lasts about 9 hours. + A clever script really brings the player into the game. + Stephen Merchant as Wheatley is funny and entertaining that backs up the grea... Read Full Review
2 of 3 users found the following review helpful
Resident Evil 5
RE changes from survival horror to action for the 5th installment and it's great
Ok so after I finished Resident Evil 5 I was kindof lost for words really. I was thinking to myself how a Resident Evil game could be so awesome in the action genre when it's true genre is survival horror. These are two ... Read Full Review
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Dead Space 2
Issac Clarke is in this fantastic sequel that delivers scares and suspense where the first game lacked
SCORE: 9.8 Pros - + Excellent storytelling + Fantastic new enemies to see and kill + New weapons and battle techniques makes the gameplay even more satisfying + Isaac feels better to move around in Zero Gravity... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpfulAssassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Auditore Edition)
Took only 1 year to make this sequel with a new story and great multiplayer.
Last year, Assassin's Creed II was released and completely blew away its predecessor in almost every way. Combat improvements, no more repetitive missions and climbing up a wall didn't take two minutes. The story was muc... Read Full Review
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Call of Duty: Black Ops
Black Ops is a huge success over Treyarch's last Call of Duty game and even surpasses MW2 in almost every way.
PROS: + A fun, explosive, long (7-8) single player campaign + The story is so interesting, you will beat it in one sit down + Beautiful graphics + Voice overs fit their characters perfectly (thanks to Sam Woringhto... Read Full Review
3 of 5 users found the following review helpful
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Game of the Year Edition
It was time to spend sometime closing Oblivion gates in the fantasy world. It's a very good but somewhat common.
After I finished Fallout 3 I was thinking of going to the previous game that they created. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion was this game and it is truly one of the best games on the 360. But I also made observations about Obl... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Left 4 Dead
Time to take on some zombies in one of the greatest zombie games of all time.
Left 4 Dead is pure entertainment. It is one of the best games of the year hands down. It seems Valve is doing something right these past two years. From the Orange Box to Left 4 Dead, they have done a superb job. Left 4... Read Full Review
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Red Dead Redemption
Time to enter Rockstar's recent open world game.
Red Dead Redemption (Xbox 360) Score:9.6 Time Spent: 20-25 hours BOTTOM LINE: Saddle up partner, it's time to ride into the Wild Wild West. Rockstar has given us the famous game series kn... Read Full Review
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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
It's sad to see this trilogy end but Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is a worthy ending to this futuristic adventure
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Review Score: 9.7/10 Hours spent: 10-20 hours Pros: + Beautiful environments that surpass Echoes' Dark World + Almost perfect gameplay + Epic and satisfying boss battles +... Read Full Review
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Dead Space
While the horror aspect is not that strong, Dead Space is in fact a gory game with creepy atmospheres.
I always dreamed if a space game could be something more than just an adventure. I wondered what a survival horror game might be like in space. Dead Space does answer my question fully. The game is actually a fun experie... Read Full Review
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Gears of War 2
This is not a 9.0 out of 10, it's even better. Gears of War 2 is here and it's amazing.
The fight between the Locusts and humans on the planet Sera continues in Epic's new "epic" game Gears of War 2. The game takes place six months after the first and the introduction is outstanding. You fight your way thro... Read Full Review
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Fallout 3
Welcome to post-apocalyptic Washington D.C. in the year 2277. Get ready to travel the wastelands of out nation's capital
Ahhh, Fallout 3 what would we do without this game? It's a masterpiece overall. You play as a man who was lived in a secured "home" called Vault 101. But when your dad leaves the vault, and doesn't return, you set out to... Read Full Review
3 of 3 users found the following review helpful
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
A great sequel to one of the best games of all time.
Metroid Prime was a fantastic game with perfect action, tons of puzzles, and great visuals. It is pretty hard for a sequel to beat its predecessor. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes is amazing but not as good as the first. The ... Read Full Review
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Metroid Prime
One of the best games of all time in history has come to the Gamecube.
Metroid Prime is truly a work of art. From the visuals to the gameplay, this is a masterpiece and is one of the best games on the Gamecube and in the history of video games. You play as Samus, a bounty hunter with a c... Read Full Review
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Super Mario Galaxy
A true masterpiece that brings Mario back into our hearts.
Oh Mario, how long has it been since I have played one of your games? Too long in fact. After Super Mario Sunshine, I was disappointed. I wanted a true experience that I would remember and play for years. My wish has com... Read Full Review
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Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A Wii game that is needed in your gaming library when your family is around or when friends are visiting.
Super Smash Brothers Brawl is great. While there are some problems my experience overall was very satisfying. I was upset at first since Roy wasn't in this game but the new character Ike is my new favorite. If you don... Read Full Review
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BioHazard 4: Wii Edition
This is definitely the version of Resident Evil 4 to own even if you have played the game on a different console.
Ahh, Resident Evil 4. How many good memories have you given to gamers all around the world. The new camera angles, the fantastic storytelling, and amazing action that we all knew and loved from our PS2 or Gamecube. I am ... Read Full Review
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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
The Force has been unleashed by a Dark Jedi. Is this a winning Star Wars game???
The answer is: Yes. Star Wars the Force Unleashed has finally come out and I don't see what is with every reviewer out there with these low scores. You play as Starkiller, Darth Vader's secret apprentice. You are taken ... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
Ummmm...........this is Mercenaries right? Read my review.
O.K. Mercenaries 2: World in Flames was one of my holiday games but I decided to get it before because I was so excited. . . .that didn't last long though. This game is broken! You play as the same three mercenaries from... Read Full Review
3 of 6 users found the following review helpful
Call of Duty: World at War
A miss-step in the call of duty series and welcomes you back to World War II
Ok so after the success of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Infinity Ward steps down for the fifth installment (don't know why) and Treyarch takes the position and creates Call of Duty: World at War a year later. Now this... Read Full Review
1 of 4 users found the following review helpful
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Infinity Ward sticks with modern warfare and a fantastic idea indeed
Infinity Ward knows how to make wars in videogames so amazing. In 2007, Infinity Ward decided to put World War II into the trash and made Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. It showed a fantastic campaign, strong enemy AI, g... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Assassin's Creed II
One of the best sequels that does fixes a lot of problems that the first game had
Assassin's Creed I got mixed reactions from the critics the first time around with its repetitive mission style and a somewhat bad ending to keep us bewildered. Assassin's Creed II does everything correctly this time ... Read Full Review
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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic has been out for the xbox since 2003 and my review is now here.
Stars Wars Knights of the Old Republic for the xbox console is a game to remember as this takes place 4000 years before Episode 1. The Sith are still ruthless and the Jedi are trying to protect the universe. You play as ... Read Full Review
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BioShock 2
A sequel that feels too familiar and lacks the intensity from the original BioShock. Still a good game nevertheless.
When Rapture was first revealed to us gamers in the original BioShock, we fell in love with the city. It was full of mysterious and memorable creatures, dark and intense feelings from the writings on the wall and even An... Read Full Review
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Mass Effect 2
The true sequel that makes up all of the mistakes from the original Mass Effect. This is the best 360 game to date.
In many ways being a critic/reviewer is easy. We give out our comments and opinions on certain things and rarely do we encounter a game or a movie that proves itself above the rest. Perfect scores are meant to be sacred ... Read Full Review
3 of 6 users found the following review helpful
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas
One of my favorite Tom Clancy's games. Read my review.
Guns, terrorist and Las Vegas in one game seems to good to be true. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas has really increased my love for first person shooters. You play as a lead soldier trying to stop terrorism from within c... Read Full Review
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The Orange Box
5 games in one orange case for the cost of only one game. My review of the Orange Box is here.
The Orange Box was my Christmas gift but I now write the review. Don't ask me why, just be glad my review is here. The Orange Box for the 360 is five games on one disc. You have Half-Life 2, Half-Life Episode One, Half-L... Read Full Review
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Battlefield: Bad Company
Humor and intense battles fused into one game. Battlefield: Bad Company is here. Read my review.
Alright well when I first got the game I was feeling a little bit of negativity towards this game. But if I never got the game then I never would've enjoyed it. Battlefield: Bad Company is out for the ps3 and 360 and I m... Read Full Review
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Condemned 2
Condemned 2 is not a great sequel but is better than Criminal Origins. My review is here.
Condemned 2: Bloodshot takes place after the first installment Condemned: Criminal Origins. You play as the drunk Ethan Thomas who is tired from the police force and is now suspended from the force. You take on missions ... Read Full Review
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BioHazard 4
Resident Evil 4 takes place in Spain and you play as Leon Kennedy. My review is here and this game is just plain fun.
Resident Evil 4 took the old games and completely thrown them out of the picture and created a new and more fun experience. Resident Evil 4 takes place in a Spanish village with a one man platoon trying to locate the Pre... Read Full Review
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Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Colonies Edition (Platinum Hits)
Lost Planet: Colonies Edition is out and here's my review.
I never played the original version of the game so go with it if my score is higher than what Gamespot gave it. Lost Planet: Colonies Edition is here. This game is all Sci-Fi basically. You are a soldier who just lost y... Read Full Review
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Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of the Colossus is one of my all time favorites. Haven't played it for a while but a great game to play.
Do you love bosses? Do you love challenges? Put those two together and you get Shadow of Colossus. This game is pure amazing. You play as a young adult who lost his love. He goes to a temple and asks for the return of he... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
My actual review of Bioshock is here. Pure amazing.
It seems that the creators of System Shock 2 have come a long way and decided to create a game known as Bioshock. You play as a nameless character who is a survivor of a plane crash in the middle of the pacific ocean. Yo... Read Full Review
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Assassin's Creed
Would you like to stab somebody with a knife that comes out of your sleeve? O YEAH!! Read my review of Assassin's Creed.
Isn't it time to assassinate a couple of guys in Medieval Times? We have been waiting for a bad ass game like this. Welcome to Assassin's Creed. I finished this game over Christmas and decided to beat it before school st... Read Full Review
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Halo 3
Halo 3 is a disappointment in my opinion. Read my review to find out why.
As you all know, Halo is considered at great series on the Xbox and Xbox 360. But Halo 3, in my opinion, is a HUGE disappointment. The ending is bad and the extra scene at the end gives you nothing. You play as the Maste... Read Full Review
4 of 9 users found the following review helpful
Grand Theft Auto IV
Welcome to Liberty City and welcome to the world of GTA IV. Is it as good as we all hoped? Read my review and find out.
I just can't say enough about Grand Theft Auto IV. It's stunning, fantastic and a classic. I have played San Andreas, Vice City and GTA 3 but this installment I have played through the end. You play as Niko, a Russian ba... Read Full Review
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