No shit. You know what else desensitizes us? Movies, TV, books, the local news, nature shows, and other humans. This is the kind of study that is done purely to beg for attention in articles such as this.
If they actually gave a crap about learning or proving any hypothesis, they would have done something more along the lines of comparing the desensitizing effect of games to the other media listed above.
@H4num4n If you hate that so much then why were you clicking on an Eternal Darkness article in the first place? The first game was basically a disc full of episodes that tied together to lead to the confrontation in the present.
That's an ironic quote, because I see "choice" and "freedom" as two advantages the PC has over consoles. All consoles do is limit your choices of what hardware to use, and depending on your income, you may be limited to buying just one and missing out on all the other consoles' exclusives.
I understand your point, because I play PC and console games, and most consoles have some great exclusives and they are more convenient to use at times. But despite their few advantages segmenting the game market with multiple consoles is mostly negative for the industry as a whole.
I don't hate the console, it just seems pointless to me. Don't we all already have PCs for this type of game? And phones if it absolutely needs a touch screen for the gameplay?
Part of the problem is also that Nintendo is very bull-headed about dropping the price once the game has been on the market for a while. When Sony, Microsoft, and PC developers drop the price on a game a year or two after release, it helps to compete with the used game market, but more importantly it encourages more people to give the game a chance. If these people really like the game they bought at $20, they might even be excited enough to buy the sequel at full price when it launches.
Instead, I often see Nintendo games sitting on the same shelf at the store for the entire life of the console, with a $50 price tag underneath collecting dust along with the game.
And while we're bitching about Nintendo, they also charge the same amount for the download of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate that they charge for the retail disc. What the hell?!
@Evo8u Normally I would agree, but in this case I would say that Microsoft has earned their reputation of greed this generation. People are assuming the bad rumors are true because Microsoft made them so believable. I used to be the kind of guy who liked every console every generation, even if I didn't have the time or money to buy all of them, but Microsoft has tried their hardest to change that.
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