Regardless of whether the law is right or wrong, it seems to completely ignore reality. All this will do is take a bit of profits from Japanese people and ensure that 100% of the people in the market for these buy from China and Korea.
@PenguinHero7: Actually, the Candy Crush thing was even dumber than that. They tried to say they invented the term "Saga" and were trying to sue other games like Banner Saga for using it.
@Gelugon_baat: That is a really good idea. I've always thought that it's ridiculous to have such a limited selection in a game where the differences between the characters are mainly cosmetic.
If the game is free (or at least very cheap) and I like it enough, I'll eventually buy a few things. I view it as similar to throwing a few dollars in a tip jar.
@dorog1995: it's a tough thing to compare, because Darksiders 1 and 2 combat is mostly copied from Devil May Cry, and POP kind of had its own style of combat. Although Darksiders 2 also has lots of climbing/wall running style of platforming if you also liked that part of POP.
@ChaoticKnuckles: That could work. Then if the plan is still to make one with all four horsemen united as a 5th game they could rip off Dynasty Warriors or something like that. That way it makes sense for them to all stay badasses from their respective adventures and not need an excuse to "Metroid" everyone's powers away.
I don't know how the Aussie government works (aside from censoring the crap out of everything) but kids in the US are in for a rude awakening if the government gets involved. If they decide against the game publishers, the most likely thing they would do is make a Loot Box Tax and then not only will the loot boxes be there, they'd be more expensive.
@The_Dragon_Born: I think the easiest way is to quickly read a summary of the plot of Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, then play Soul Reaver, Soul Reaver 2, and LOK: Defiance.
This will make the story easier to follow when it gets weird in SR2.
The original Blood Omen is the most dated and plays very differently from the rest, and Blood Omen 2 is more of a side story with little relevance to the main plot.
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