@Spectre1987 It was, but $ony never utilized it. It will come much easier with PS4's background chipset that will allow a lot of processes to be performed while the console is off. This game will fit well, becuase it will probably be over 50+gb in size. Also, a note: you can only start playing this game when the download reaches 50%
@OurSin-360 I have the game and I'll tell you right now, you are not wrong...... the shooting has a horrible dead zone on the "aim" stick. Its very hard to pinpoint who you are going to start shooting at, making aiming almost useless.
@sev2010 @spammehardo @C0v3rtUnis0l And you're the 360 fan boy? If you DO think about it, GoW really is a run in the mill cover shooter, but what makes it stand out is its amazing story, epic set pieces, weapon classes, and the horde mode multiplayer. Other than that, the gameplay is very standard.
People who don't think the Kinect spying is possible need to rethink some things. Remember the site that allowed people to connect to peoples webcams/spycams and watch everything that is going on live!? Don't think for one second that their won't be some hackers out their who can link in to your Kinect while you're playing and do the same thing and you don't even know it. M$ has failed this one big time!
@Dumper1 @DanGleeSack DLC is a "thrown-around" word that really has to be used in the best way possible. Problem is that 80% of game companies out there use it as a gimmick to squeeze as much money as possible from consumers. Most notably is "on-disc" DLC that has to be unlocked.....probably considered the most useless way of pursuing DLC; and the most greedy. It takes a keen sense of dedication from a developer to create the perfect DLC. Games like Far Cry Blood Dragon are perfect examples. Give players a cheaper variation of a full game with added content and a continuous or alternate storyline and you will have great DLC people are actually willing to pay for.
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