CAPCOM needs to start by rebooting the franchise back to Resident Evil 1 & 2 because if they were smart, they would obviously know that is where the money is....there's no need to reboot a franchise back to something that it hasn't been since 1999! CAPCOM is full of non-inspirational developers and directors.....they are obviously being more influenced by all these Call of Duty fanboys, because they seem to think by making a RE game more like CoD, that it will sell more.....WRONG!
I can give you my two cents since I've been playing RE since I was 11.
CAPCOM needs to bring in a director who shares the original passion of creating a good storyline and gameplay factor like Shinji Mikami brought to it. The series should not be rebooted into an alternate path, but rather start from the beginning again, because it's obvious, the fans want to return to the original survival horror setting. With the amount of memory and processing power consoles have nowadays, theres no reason you can't create a massive Resident Evil game spanning the first 3 in the series (RE 0/1+2+3). With the poor success of using QTEs every 10 seconds, they should be completely removed from this game. Ammo should also be extremely limited..... instead of zombies dropping ammo after you kill them (why would zombies have ammo?) there should at least be the option of creating ammo with experience points or something, thus this would add an extra tense situation in which you would have to create ammo to use it-- thus a "survival" aspect. In the manner of Co-Op, I think it SHOULD be included......why you ask? Every Resident Evil game in the past had at least 2 main characters you would play obviously CAPCOM always had a linear aspect to a 2-player game in the past even though it was strictly 1-player. So, include Co-Op, but do not make it strictly linear...... If this game is going to be a good RE game, it must have "exploration" ; therefore, this would give you the option to split from you're partner at any time. This would allow you to explore the game much faster, but come at a price of difficulty. When splitting, the game would not become "single-player" either, if you are looking for a certain key to a door and your partner happens to find it, then your partner would have to come back to open that door.
Of course this game, I think, should still be in over-the-shoulder- 3rd person perspective which will make you really have to conserve your ammo and hit you're target-- fixed camera placements are a thing of the past and should stay there (lets be real).
These are just my two cents.......CAPCOM.......wake up and listen to the fans and not the ones that play Call of Duty just for the multiplayer.....CoD already makes the same game every year, we don't need another company doing the same thing.
I think an open-world remake of resident Evil 2 during the midst of the T-Virus outbreak would be pretty badass!! Lets you drive cars and have just about as many zombies on screen similar to Dead Rising (of course with much better graphics) This would bring not only a slower paced survival horror element to the game, but also give the player the freedom to do what has to be done to proceed in the game (like finding keys and crest, etc instead of RE6s' linear style gameplay)
They will say and do anything to promote a sense of chaos within our already fucked up culture. Blaming video games is a cowardly way of straying away from the real problem which is mentally-ill people and bad parenting! You can't possible say that video games cause "adults" to go on a killing spree, because then they would be considered mentally-ill. When you blame video games on a young persons rage, then this is the result of bad parenting-- don't let your kids play games that you know will **** with their minds!!
These politicians will do anything to stir up the public, because that is their job-- to cause as much chaos as possible to make them seem credible when we all know they are meaningless puppets of society.
@dfcart01 @billlabowski @Matthew-first I'll agree with you on that, although stating the obvious that you have to complete missions to "complete" the game-- the drawback, as what I think billabowski was getting at, is that GTAIV not only considered an "open-world" game, played out like a "linear" story-driven game. Not only did it's story feel "linear", the game had absolutely limited means of customization. If I had to compare GTAIV with that of say Saints Row, I always lean towards Saints Row with its crazy story-based missions and side missions and its vast amounts of customization features.
I'm confused as to why Microsoft is calling the next Xbox "720".......wouldn't you have started with "180" first then "360"......?....... I know the reason behind the 360 was for the "breathing-in" look to the original console, but 720 doesn't make any sense........bad marketing ploy if you ask me.
They think this is offensive.....haven't these critics seen some of the fucked up shit women do in pornos just for the money......lets dust ourselves off and move on.....dyamn!
Just played DMC4 again after a long time and realized how much faster and more seamless DmC is over DMC4. Although the story might be less of an advancement over DMC4, DmC is actually pretty fun to play
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