Who is the last person you high-fived? My Best Friend- Hunter
If you were drafted into a war, would you serve? I don't belive in War so No
Do you sleep with the tv on? At times when im too lazy to get the remote
Have you ever wheezed the juice? Huh?
Have you ever won a spelling bee? No im proabably one of the worst spellers in the world
Have you ever been stung by a bee? Yes, but then the men with the long needles came.....
How fast can you type? Pretty fast!
Are you afraid of the dark? No I love the Dark
What color are your socks? White, nothing speacil
Have you ever made out at a drive-in? Eww No
When is the last time you chose a bath over a shower? Hmm Maybe Last year?
Do you knock on wood? Yea, bad luck if you dont!
Do you floss daily? No too lazy
Do you wanna Fanta? Yeanna!
Can you hula hoop? Sortta but not well
Are you good at keeping secrets? You wont hear anything from me
What do you want for Christmas? Gutair Hero 4!
Do you know the Muffin Man? No Candy Man is better!
Do you talk in your sleep? Kinda a times
Who wrote the book of love? Qaasim!
Have you ever flown a kite? Master of kite flying!
Do you wish on your fallen eyelashes? Noo Thats werid
Can you smell what the Rock is cooking? Hmm Waffles.....
Do the chickens have large talons? Do Monkeys Say Banana?
Are you ready to rumble? Im ready to crumble!
Can you count to Schfifty-Five? In my mind anything is posible
Do you like green eggs and ham? Sam I Am!....not
Who is your daddy? and what does he do? My Daddy is Al, he's a teacher!
How do you spell relief? Ummm Releaf?
Have you ever eaten dog food? Nope Cat food is better!
Hello my darling, won't you tell me your name?: Because No one says My Darling!
Are you taking this survey because you're bored?: Yea Read the title!
You must like taking these things, am I right?: yea It gives me something to do
Well, then I must ask you a very survey-cliche question, your age?: 13 (1 1/2 months left)
When is your birthday?: July 22
Are you legal?: Yea, buts its illegal to ask that question!
Can you sing?: If you want to go deaf
Can you dance?: I can bust a move! :P
Can you do gymnastics?: No Im not fexible at all!
If I told you that you had a massive zit, what would you do?: nothing really
Do you like asparagus?: No I dont like my veggies
Do you read Harry Potter books?: Adict!
Do you have nice handwriting?: No Its really messy!
What color do you wish the sky was?: Purple!
Can you name all of the United States in alphabetical order?: No Im not that big on a Geek!
Can you draw?: Really good, but im too lazy
Have you ever given a hobo more than five dollars?: Yes they cant afford cable, poor them!
Do you like whiny girl bands like Flyleaf or Evanescence?: Yea Both
Did I spell both of those band names correctly?: No but i couldnt either!
Are you black?: No, im a toast!
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Noope
Are/were you happy being single?: Eh...
What do you think about Pokemon?: I loved it when i was a little kid
Do you brush your teeth every day?: Yea, gross if you don't!
When did you first ride a bicycle?: When I was 6
The Last Person You...
thought about? Albbie
Looked at? Mom s
aid I love you to? Dad
hugged? Dessi (friend)
kissed? Ummm...
hurt? Hunter
Shared a secret with? Tori
watched a movie with? Hunter
couldn't stop thinking about? Sliv...No one
In your family...
Who makes you laugh? Dad
Who makes you cry? Mom
Who is strict? Mom & Dad
Who is laid back Granny!
Who makes you think? No one can do that its impossible!
Who will do anything for you? I dont know.....
Have you ever?
broken a bone? No Ive done that to someone else......
Made a friend mad? Everyday!
gotten a detention? Yes A.S.S After School Dettion lol :P
gotten expelled? No
threw popcorn in a movie theatre? Yes its fun getting people mad!
been on stage? When I was 8
seen a famous person? Only on TV
been pantsed by a friend? noooooo
lost your voice? yea too much candy!
You are... Angie
best at?... Soccer
worst at?... Spelling
profession? Lawyer
best friend? Tori & Hunter & Dessi & Whitney Favorite
movie star? Steve Carell i
dol? Allie Dimeco, Nat Wolff
Do you bite your nails? Grr yea when im bored, its like a reflex
favorite movie? POTC Pirates of the Cirribean
have you ever been in LOVE? No
favorite color? Green
have you ever done a bad impersonation of Arnold Scshwartsenagger? I'll be back! 8)
best memory? Disney World
worst memory? One word Mom
favorite band? Too many to tell
can you do the worm? No, well yea but reallt bad
did you like this survey? Yes I am bored!
Peace People- NbbRockGirl
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