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a question about tomatos!!!!

hey i always wondored what people thought about this me and my friedns had a big thing about tomato Why is it a fruit i always thought it was vegatable??? and when did ketchup come arond i wondor these are the questions that huant me!!!!!!!!!! help!!! my head hurts please help!!!!!1

Peace peoples- NbbRockGirl

Angie!!!!!! Help!!!!

Survey!!! (thanks nbbrocks01)

You are

[ ] under 5′2

[ ] 5′2 -5′6″

[x] 5′7" more medium then short

[ ] in between 5′7″ - 6′

[x] tall

[ ] naturally blonde

[ ] redhead
[x] brunette
[ ] dirty blonde/brownish
[ ] black
[ ] at the moment dark brown

[ ] blue-eyed

[x] brown-eyed

[ ] green-eyed

[ ] my eyes are weird and they change

[ ] hazel eyed

[ ] gold/gray-eyed

[ ] silver/gray- eyed

[ ] black eyed

[ ] glasses

[x] contacts

[ ] short hair

[ ] medium

[x] long hair

Your nationality includes...

[ ] chinese
[ ] indian
[ ] taiwanese
[ ] japanese
[x] hispanic
[ ] nicoya
[ ] puerto rican
[ ] chicana
[x] italian
[x] scottish
[ ] filipino
[ ] armenian
[ ] dutch
[x] french
[ ] german
[ ] irish
[ ] greek
[ ] portuguese
[ ] polish
[x] english
[ ] korean
[ ] jamacian
[x] canadian
[ ] lithuanian
[ ] native american
[ ] russian
[ ] swedish
[ ] african
[ ] peruvian
[ ] hungarian
[ ] thai
[ ] czech-slovakian
[ ] you aren't sure
[ ] romanian
[ ] finnish
[ ] egyptian
[ ] welsh
[ ] norweigian
[ ] croatian
[ ] austrian
[ ] persian
[x] spanish
[x] other I come from a werid family!!!

Your favorite color(s) are?

[ ] red

[ ] khaki

[ ] pink

[x] yellow

[ ] black

[x] green

[x] blue

[x] white

[ ] silver

[ ] purple

[ ] brown (tans, etc)

[ ] orange

[ ] clear

Some sports/physical things you have done at least once in life

[x] soccer
[ ] cheerleading
[x] dancing
[x] lacrosse
[ ] field hockey
[ ] hockey
[x] football
[x] softball
[x] ice skating
[ ] wrestling
[ ] gymnastics
[ ] track/cross country
[x] basketball
[x] baseball
[ ] golf
[ ] hiking
[x] kayaking
[x] canoing
[x] camping
[ ] horseback riding
[x] tennis
[x] volleyball
[x] martial arts
[ ] rugby
[ ] frisby golf
[x ] surfing
[ ] motocross
[ ] bmx
[x] wakeboarding
[x] snowboarding
[x] skiing

Ok, so here's the twist . The more you answered with the x's, it will tell you what kind of person you are . So let's hit the wheel, and see how much I got out of 111. I got 37/111 . So, let me see who I am today Whoa Im James Woods! Werid!

1-28: Tom Cruise

You know how to handle things, well and know when a mission is now or then. You are Tom Cruise , you mostly do some sports but also love to spend time with your family. You never back down to a mission too impossible.

29-56: James Woods

You are mostly James Woods. You might have been stuck in a crate for over millions of years by Peter Griffin, but you have the inside of yourself and still know. Nothing is too mean to be green.

57-84: Angelina Jolie

Woah, you got your heals on and you got most of them axed. You are one sports, fashion-loving machine and youll do anything to be friends with many popstars around the world.

85-111: Brad Pitt

Together with the forces of Tom Cruise, James Woods, and Angelina Jolie you transform to the last character, Brad Pitt. You are the highest of them all.

Peace Peoples!- NbbRockGirl


Superhero Movie// Hotdog// Top ten shows

hey gys i just saw a preview for this awesome movie called superhero movie i really want to see it because its just like all those scary movies! I love those anyway heres a cool widget if you guys want to find out more about the movie go to

Superhero Movie (2008) Poster

I love this hotdog reipe its one i made try it its really really good okay heres what you do just have a plain hotdog and then put ketchup, mayo on it and then put shredded cheese on top after that put crushed potato chips and put them on it and your done try it its awesome please! If you dont like it well then you dont but if you do then hey you have something to eat when you like!

My Top Ten Shows!

1. The Naked Brothers Band

2. iCarly

3. Zoey101

4. Chuck

5. Law and Order

6. Monk

7. Familyguy

8. The Simpsons

9. American Dad

10. Ugly Betty

Peace peoples -NbbRockGirl



so i had to have family time again but tomorrow ii get to rest finally! I cant belive im saying this but i miss school at least i could talk to my friends, only 5 days to go!!!!!!! anyway we went to this muesem and there where a bunch of little 4th graders there i didnt like it one bit! I just listened to my iPod, the proabably only half fun thing so this exhbit about the olden times in the u.s. it was okay but ayway i didnt really like the it but i made a good face for my dad

Peace Peoples!- NbbRockGirl


Why Me?????

Okay today was so fun me and my frends went to the pool, we did alot of fun being all crazy and making fun ofpeople incudling ourseleves!!! haha i wish but no i had to have family time today unstead of having fun with my friends i had to spend the day my my family yay! not its not i dont like my family i just dont like spending time with them becasue they can be soo umm werid so anyway i had to liten to them go on and on when i was little and how i used to love spending time ith them all i did was listren to my iPod untill the battery ran out! Why ME????? I just think they should just feed me and give me cothles thats all i need and my computer,

Peace Peoples!- NbbRockGirl


My song

hey guys i got bored so i worte a song/ poem i like it here it is.

Have i ever lied?, I never want to see. I really don't care if I will cry. For i'm so alone, I sing to my phone, no one answers. What does it matter , every moment i am sadder, I really seem to lrean, but I get burned. We are never safe from oursleves, We never reach the top self. Say goodbye to all my dreams, life is never what it seems, What happened to having fun? We always smiled when we saw the sun.

Peace Peoples!- NbbRockGirl


St. Patricks Day

so its st.patricks day i had no idea! lol right? so anyway today i almost had my spring break, i ate creal alot and drank and basiclly enjoyed the day nothing really happened today im just glad people got on yeaterday it felt no one was here. Im so glad i dont have school ive been sleeping ecah day untill like 2p.m.

Peace peoples- NbbRockGirl


I hate to clean/ Rockgirls Reasons

today instead of spending the whole day on my mom made me clean the whole house, :roll: i hate to clean! i coudnt get on because my mom wouldnt let me i just got the computer now and Milkacholic and left :( !! my brother had stolen my laptop too. anyway im going to do stuff like yugaton and ksboy do it called Rockgirls Reasons. here my first post I made the top Contributors on the NBB Show! I will become the editor my the end of the year! (i hope)

Rockgirls Reasons

quote of the day

You can't kill him when hes wearing people choltes!- Homer Simpson

spider pig

Song of the day

Hate (i really don't like you)- Plain white t's

Avatars of the day!

Our Love Just Washed Away.Kindergarden DramaWho Doesn't Love Algebra?BounceChocolate Lovee

Firends of the week!

1. Milkachloic (probably always gonna be in this spot)

2. KsBoy

3. Crzza

4. Yugaton

5. AndreaMskate

Peace Peoples!- NbbRockGirl


More Survey!

Milkacholic did this so im doing it too

One of your scars, how did you get it? My dog scrathed me really bad

What is on your walls? posters lots of posters.

What does your cell phone look like? Motorola Karzor blue

What music do you listen to? Pop, and rock

Do you know what time you were born? yea 5:32 p.m.

What do you want more than anything right now? to see the nbb episode Love Stinks

Who do you miss? My bff Tori

What is your most prized possesion? My laptop

What is your Zodiac sign? Cancer

Do you get claustrophobic? Depends

Do you get scared of the dark? When i was little

The last person to make you cry? My ex- boyfriend (but then i punched him)

What's your fave cologne? Axe (it makes guys smell reallygood)

What kind of hair/eye color do like on a guy? Brown (but IDC)

Where can you see yourself being proposed to? yes but in the future

Coffee or Energy drink? Energy Drink

What is our fave pizza topping? Extra Cheese I love Cheese!

If you could eat anything right now, what would it be? Sour Patch Kids

Who is the last person you made mad? Whitney

What was the first gift someone has ever given to you? A teddy bear

Do you like anyone right now? yea

Are you double jointed? nope

Fave clothing line? American Eagle and Nike

What's your dream car? a car i saw at the carshow forgot the name

Do you have a pet? yes

What kind is it? Two Dogs

What is the best way to tell somone how much they mean to you? Kissing and holding hands

Say a number from one to 100: 21

Blondes or Brunettes? Brunettes all the way

What annoys you? Haters

Have you been out of the US? yep Spain, Canada, England

What's your weakness? Chocolate!!!!!!

Ever done a prank call? yep!

Why are you taking this survey? Just felt like it

What do you get complimented about most? Soccer

What do you want for your B'day? iPone

How many kids do you want? 2 at the most

Were you named after anyone? No

Do you wish on stars? Yea

What did you do in the morning? Sleep

What did you last eat? Hot Dog

Do you like your handwriting? Sort of

What city do you live in? Sanford (really small)

Do looks matter? A bit

How do you realease anger? Kicking people in soccer

Peace peoples! - NbbRockGirl
