-WAR: I'm against war, currently, the war that's on right now is useless.
-ISREAL: I support Isreal, it should be free, almost ever decade there's war about isreal, personally I think it should just all end in a peace treaty (yes ANOTHER one) with ALL of the Middle-eastern states.
- ABORTION: I'm Neutral, personally, it should be allowed but an option. If it was mandatory, it would be uncontitionial.
- GLOBAL WARMING: People should stop being lazy and know it exists, it's clearly obivious, it should be stopped at all costs.
- TAXES: There should be taxes, it helps the community and it's useful, repuplicans should stop saying it's usless, it actually serves a perpose PLUS if there were no taxes, I don't beleive you would be living were you are right now. Also I believe taxes sould be raised minorly. (about 100 More dollars)
- VIDEO GAME VIOLENCE: I don't think it should be censored in any way, althought I am pacifist, I believe that it doesn't impact as hard as many people think.
-GUNS: Crime rate is getting higher every year, I think it should just be banned, it's getting more dangerous every year.
-SAME-SEX MARRIAGE: Should be allowed, there's nothing wrong with it, the only people that are complaining are rednecks and very strict Christians.
-TROOPS: Bring our troops home!
-EDUCATION: Education taxes should be higher indefinatly. We need our kids to be more smarter, duh.
-IMMIGRATION: It's too difficult to suypport it or be against it, so Neutral.
-STEM CELL RESEARCH: Should be allowed, this were abortion comes to play, if they were unwanted Fetuses, they should be used for stem-cell research.
-DEATH PENALTY: It should be decreased, it should only be used if: a killing of many (over 15) Innocent people (Babies, Children Etc.) Murders of over 50 people. Etc.
-ANIMAL CRUELTY: Should be against the law, but not that strict I.E: PETA
-POVERTY: Should end.
-HEALTH CARE: Should be effecive to everyone.
-EVOLOUTION TEACHING: Maybe let the class vote for whatever version they pick. Let kids have democracy for a change.
-SCHOOL PRAYING: Should not be allowed in Public schools, unless kids are praying alone, by them selfs. For Private Schools (I.E: A jewish Private School should be allowed to use Jewish Prayers)
-George bush: Mostly (95%) of anything this man says are lies.
So as you can tell I'm Democratic. Thought I bash all forms of Politics. Also School starts tomarrow with new: Prinicpal, Dean, (possible) new students in my grade, new, anything at my school.
P.S: Next Blog: Attacking Bill O'reily and Dan Rather.
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