or paid highly. probably a little of both. or a lot of both.
so last week, toward the end, at least, someone pissed ALL over one of the toilet seats. like, it looked like someone just opened a fire hose and pointed it in the stall without actually aiming for the toilet. I got the feeling more urine landed on the seat than in the bowl. and it sat like that. it was pretty gross. almost too gross to lift the seat with a shoe. and then my floor's janitor cleaned it this morning. and it was absolutely spotless. such a nice guy.
of course, heading back in a few minutes ago, someone pissed on the seat again already. the janitor must be a saint.
the collegiate life is a bit tiring. snow the past two days. unexpected. I don't tend to pay much attention to my wider surroundings. the other day, my roommate's friend was in the room getting something of his out. i at least realized someone was in before i entered because i heard him moving around, but it took me probably a good few seconds longer than it should have to realize that it wasn't my roommate. slightly awkward.
so tired this morning. i slept like half an hour past my alarm. which wasn't so bad. but still, i was up three hours earlier. tomorrow's schedule is a bit tighter. not looking forward to the likely impromptu speech i think i'll be having to make. not looking forward to having to pick a topic for my first speech either. suggestions? i'm really clueless here. of course, i don't necessarily even know if it's free choice or if there's a range to choose from yet either.
i'm really looking forward to the discussion for my first assigned reading for my candian lit class. Tay John was a really impressive novel. so glad I got landed in a candian lit class.
geology though...holy poop. i suppose i slacked on the reading a little and had to catch up hard and fast today. well, i had time, but i goofed off and read a little black company because i didn't think i had a lot to do. can't resist glen cook.
but anyway. it's been a while since i hit a concept i just plain could not wrap my head around. i think it was that sleeping beauty question. but today, when i had to try and puzzle out paleomagnetism...oh man. oh man. oh man. i pretty much have no clue, though i'm at least on the borders of understanding. i've discovered that pretty much all forms of magnetism are my weak suit. so thoroughly weak. this is worse than math.
i hit the books pretty hard tonight. or at least, it felt like it. hahah, i was in the first floor lounge because i like the chairs, and there are these guys that i'm pretty sure are on a table tennis team. they're down there playing ping pong pretty regularly, but this was the first time i didn't have my zune in and they showed up. so interesting to be studying and then hear (after one of them makes a good play) "**** YOU, JOE!" apparently one of them shares my name hahah. that made studying a little interesting, but the comfortableness of the chair more than made up for the very minor, very humorous occasional distraction.
hahah oh jeez. my roommate's been playing assassin's creed. and wow. just wow. he kills everyone. practically. i didn't know you could hidden blade the guards when they're rolling around on the ground after you've already beaten them. he always stops to do so. and then at the end, in masayaf, when all the towns people are zombie-like, he hidden blade'd them all too. pretty sure that was completley and unbelievably unnecessary if i remember correctly. but he just walked up to each one and put a knife between the ribs. spent like three minutes doing it too. nice guy hahah :P
which also reminds me that the other day he came in reeking of marijuana. i found that funny because last friday, some guys knocked on my door and asked if i had drugs they could buy. lucky straightedge me, being in room 420. still, they were nice enough guys, and we ended up hanging out for a while. what's funny is that they smoked in front of me, and i couldn't smell it, but it seemed pretty potent from their reactions. the roommate thing is funny because the scent was so potent on my roommate. also humorous is that my roommate made a 420 sign for the door featuring someone hitting a bong. or his old roommate did. it's been there since i moved in. i never looked close enough to realize what it actually was until today. makes the people assuming that i have drugs thing a bit more of a 'duh.'
i guess i'm really bad with drug references. my roommate has some kind of pot poster and it took me two days to notice the symbolism. i looked it up online and it's like old school hippy art or something. i think it's called 'mountain high.'
so, i can't really get my laptop online. kind of a shame, since i want to leave my webcam on. you know, to share my roommate with the world. not that that wouldn't be an invasion of his privacy, but whatever. i can't do it anyway. but the further significance of my laptop not working is that i'm sooooo glad i brought my desktop along. i'd be so screwed if i hadn't. not that i need computer access a whole whole lot or anything. but still.
i've done laundry up here once. i figured out that by choosing to do it on a thursday, i'm looking at something like 50+ flights of stairs. smart decision, but I suppose i need the exercise.
college really puts hair on a guy's chin. literally. i never really had to shave much. just from time to time when it started looking scruffy. but i noticed scruffy chin hair showing up a day or two after being here, much earlier than i was expecting. and now it's back again already a few days later. gosh darn. i don't want to have to figure shaving into my schedule more often. my moustache, which pretty much hasn't changed much since the 3rd grade, is getting awkward long and bushy too. but in a super scruffy sort of way. it's very difficult because i've hardly ever seen myself without some form of hair on my lip in the past decade and i wouldn't have a clue how to trim it without just shaving it all off. not sure that's even possible.
i'm much better with things like sewing. i sewed two buttons back onto my jacket today. the rest are super loose but i'm super lazy and only two actually fell off. i finally got around to buying a sewing kit at the campus store. the cashier woman, gray in the hair, a bit on in the years, seemed strangely excited and pleased by the notion that a college kid knew how to sew. she basically said it was tantamount to a lost art. nice lady, though i find her interest/excitement odd/interesting. i suppose in the scope of things, it's really not all that interesting. i'm sure a lot of people probably can't handle a needle and thread. not that i'm amazing or anything. but i did get the buttons on.
i'm not sure at which point i turned into a person that goes long periods without moving, but these gosh darn motion sensor lights that are everywhere keep turning off on me. no clue what the timers are on, and i highly doubt that they're adjustable, but i just felt like complaining. i wouldn't ever actually do anything about it if i could. probably.
my bed though, lofts. you have to send a request to have it adjusted, students aren't supposed to do it themselves. when i was headed downstairs earlier, i spotted a single bed that had been lofted up to a top bunk height, and the desk was placed under it. i have to wonder if he had a special bed. i feel like that'd be pretty convenient. it'd make a lot of floor space. hm. my room pictures are on my phone. i'll have to get them later.
or not. it occurs to me that i never got around to uploading pictures of cosades. i'm so lazy. i think i want to write some short fiction tonight. i've been tossing around a premise. i suppose i'll get cracking and see if it goes anywwhere. i really want to get to sleep early so i can wake up early. due to my alternating lab/lecture schedule, i've got my 'first period' when i'd normally have a lecture free, and then a lab later in the day. which basically means i could sleep in. but i want to stick to a (relatively) rigid schedule from this point on and get used to getting up at six or so every day. i can work on getting ahead in my psych book until my first **** i've been keeping up/ahead fairly well with the exception of geology. much more complicated htan i expected there, though. i guess that'll learn me for making assumptions. it'll learn me real good.
but anyway. writing+bed sounds pretty fantastic, some i'm off to fictioncity.
haha. i amuse myself.
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