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NeitherSparky Blog

Still No Level Fix; New Guide

Despite never having my high-20's level restored, I've picked up a new guide, Katie and Orbie . I had written to the studio some weeks ago asking for an episode list, and the guy was nice enough to give me about two and a half seasons of synopses as well (which I re-wrote of course). The show, which ran for 6 seasons, never came out on DVD in this country (it only has in France and is now hard to find) but if it ever does I can pick it up and get the rest of the ep synopses.


After making several submissions, I have gone from 3 and 9%, where I was for a long time, down to 1 and 0%, now I'm at 5 and 35%. I hope I'm going to have my level 28-or-so restored at some point, even if I never get credited for the subs I've been making. I *really* hope they don't intend for me to work my way up now from level 5... :(

My DVD Collection Pt II

Okay well, I added as much as I could to my list on Filmspot. There were a lot of DVDs (and not even the foreign ones) that weren't in their database, such as Revenge of the Hideous Sun Demon, Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas...I can't even remember half of them. There were a lot. So, that's the best I can do. I may make a seperate list for movies I have on VHS, as I do still have quite a few.

Filmspot: My DVD Collection

I'm trying to fill out my DVD Collection list on Filmspot but it SUCKS. When I was trying to add my Japan imports and they wouldn't come up I didn't have a problem with that. But now regular, American stuff will come up, then I search for it again and it won't. The system sucks. -_- So I don't know if I'll ever have anything like a complete list posted. Oh well, I tried.

So anyone know when CNET will have a site for books? :P

(Oh by the way, I can't tell, is there an editorship system on Filmspot?)

My Level

While it's nice not to be stuck at level one anymore, unable to submit contributions, I'm rather tired of being at level three. :( I should be in the high 20's somewhere. I don't remember where, I havent done the Blue Box thing in ages, but it'd be nice to have my true level reflected so people know I'm not a n00b. I've been here since before this place became, after all. :(

And that's my emo blog.

New Guide

After a long while, I have finally picked up a new guide. Space Goofs was a weird cartoon by a French animation company and worked on by many of the people who worked on Ren and Stimpy. The voice acting is great and while many of the stories don't really go anywhere, I really enjoy the show a lot. When the guide was created here apparently the episodes were entered in as they were listed on the 5 DVDs that were released many years ago - in that order, and excluding the *other* episodes that didn't make it to DVD. So needless to say, the guide is JACKED up. I have to reorder everything and then plug in the missing eps. Its going to be a pain. I'll plug in the sysnopses as I go, at least for all the eps I can. I only own DVDs 1-4...which is actually a kind of weird story so I'll share it. :) I found Vol. 1 in a Best Buy earlier this year and grabbed it up, all excited, because I remembered the show and I was glad to see it on DVD. Couldn't find the other four DVDs anywhere though so I finally went online, and ordered them through a company selling on eBay. About a month and a half later I asked them where my order was, and was informed that the discs were on backorder and they'd ship them out whenever they got them. -_- I asked for a refund. I *really* don't think people should sell things on eBay if they don't actually *have* them. Well I kept looking and still couldn't find them anywhere (except from the same seller on eBey) and finally I found them from a *different* eBay seller so I ordered them. Then I found out it *was* the same seller using multiple accounts. Oh well, I really wanted them so I decided to wait. So, like, two months later I emailed them asking where my order was. They tell me they'd shipped it a long time back, and to verify my address in case it went to the wrong place. So I did that and they emailed me back saying, Oh it came back here, and the package has been damaged. Vol 5 has been destroyed. We'll refund you for that one and send the others back out. :shock: So...they did, and that's why I only have Vols 1-4. It seems awfully suspicious that the package was "returned" to them damaged RIGHT when I contacted them, but oh well. I wonder if I'll *ever* find Vol 5...

Quick rant about quote submissions

Dear people: Just because something was *said* in an episode doesn't mean it qualifies as a quote submission. It must be noteworthy, humorous, profound, or otherwise, I dunno, *interesting* to belong in the guide. Thank you. -_- --- Am I wrong?? Is it wrong of me to think that So-and-so: (entering room) I'm home. should be rejected? Not being a repeated line, or an injoke, or anything, should that sort of submission really be accepted? If so, you'd better tell me now.


Okay folks, I will be away from the computer from tomorrow July 15 through July 24. Subs made during that time will have to wait. We're leaving for San Diego in the morning. I'm dropping my siamese fighting fish off at a friend's on the way. The parrot's already at the boarders (poor Kiwibirdie). The snake's being left alone but barring a power outage depriving her of heat she probably won't even notice anything is amiss. God I wish I had a laptop, or that Jim could borrow the one from his work. -_- I'm going to hate being completely without a computer for an entire week. Last vacation we came home in the middle for a day, but no such luck this time. Ah well. The email backlog alone when I get back is gonna be awful! I'm going to try to keep myself busy reading the vBulletin manual, lol.

How Come I Didn't Get a Cupcake Emblem?

Apparently that cupcake emblem thingie is for having been here for the first month of Everyone knows I was here that first month. Did I not get it because I was a member of Gamespot *prior* to the conversion? My info says I've been a member here since Decemer 2004 - that's when I signed up with GS. Did only people who *signed up* with GS/ during's first month get a cupcake? I've been busting my chops on this site as long as the rest of the "first" members, what's up with this? Is it because I'm a diabetic? :)