[QUOTE="-TheSecondSign-"][QUOTE="JackMcSexbeard"][QUOTE="-TheSecondSign-"] If you dodge the draft, you should never be allowed back into America, and if you step foot on American soil, you should be tried for treason, and sentenced to life in prison, no exceptions.
What if the reasons for going to war were immoral or just plain wrong. Many people who believe that wouldnt fight and I agree with that idea.
Also why shouldnt they be allowed back in, if they had legitament reasons to not support a war that went against their beliefs, if that happened then that would essentially weed out any sort anti-war effort and create a sort of universal frame of mind which is scary.
Also many of the people who may be pacifist or disagree w/ the idea of a war waged for certain reasons or the act of war in general usually, truly want to make this nation better, just as people who act like warhawks believe we can make the country better through war. In certain cases either one could be right or wrong but both voices are neccessary for a civilized, moral and strong nation.
No, it isn't weeding them out.
Wow You have completley misunderstood my post.
Ugh. Forget it. You're screwing around with my post, just picking at it. And if you live here, live free, and then you scurry off when the country needs you, then you don't come back. You don't leave when the ****s hitting the fan and basically say **** you to everyone going through with it, then when it's all hunky dory you just come back. You don't.
How was I screwing around with your post I was mearly making a counterpoint to your very extreme point that people who do not accept being forced to fight and flee but come back should be put in prision. There are alot of people who feel you should not run when being drafted but by being so extreme it causes you to lose credibility in your argument.
I was never meaning to suggest that a draft is never needed and that it is always wrong. I feel it would be needed during a world war or if we were invaded. I also have no problem surving my country and would have fought in WW2 if I was called upon.
And there wouldn't be a draft unless there was a world war, which won't happen anyway, and even if there was a world war do you honestly think we would be the bad side?
Um... we have already had a draft when we were not fighting in a world war. Did you here of Vietnam?
I do not think America is an evil nation but your a fool if you refuse to acknowledge the many terrible things the government has done and the fact that we are willing to support mass-murdering tyrants if it benefits us (Saddam, The Shah, Pinochet etc..) You seemed to be blinded by an overzealous patriotism. I am a patriot and I love this country, dont ever question that.
Yeah, if you do, take off the tinfoil hat...
I did not say anything that was in anyway possible to be interrpreted as a conspiracy. In order to discredit my valid argument you made something up about me. That shows you have no credibility and it is now even harder to take you seriously.
If you leave, there's nothing I can do about it, so if you're a big pacifist, and you leave, then leave. But don't come back when it's done.
I never said I would leave, I was merely making an argument to show why certain people would. Im not some big pacifist, I already said I would be willing to fight and die for my country if it was needed.
With all do respect please try to understand what other people are saying before you attempt to discredit them.
Well said. Show these chauvinists who's boss!
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