By-by Eden........I could not care less, since TDU2 was such a disaster. Shame Bizarre Creations are dead too.....I'm sure they would have made a better job.
I knew it, lol. Makes this all the more sweeter to post, bwahahaha: "BTW I knew you were a Christian the second I looked at your avatar.".....quote from some dude below. Guess I'm an old one saw that, lol ? Like a pic of good ole Dave means anything about religion, hahahah
Lmao..."To boldy go, where no gaming site has gone before" I like it. Bold move, took me a while to see the bigger picture...(reading all comments took a while). Respect to you Caro, for the article.....this last week has been an interesting one with Kev's writeup and this one.....I'm curious to see what future areas you all (gamespot crew) are going to dwell into.
NeoDemonChilde's comments