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Obama likes Ludacris?

I know, it's a surprise. On my way to the college campus I turned off my iPod, and listened to the radio in the car. A lot of what I was hearing came from Glenn Beck and other conservatives who were claiming not to be Republicans. I've heard some of Glenn Beck's stuff before on his outlook on being politically correct in America which I find hilarious. Anyway, it was another Obama and McCain scrap. Supposedly Ludacris has a song that mentions Obama, Mrs. Clinton, McCain, and Bush. In it he says that Clinton is a "B", Bush is mentally handicap, and the only seat McCain should be sitting in is a wheelchair paralyzed. Now for a Black man(biracial if we want to be politically correct) who's trying get into office, saying you like Ludacris isn't the best idea. And now Ludacris thinks he's done a good job at trying to propel Obama further into the race. Please. The good thing is Obama condemns the song. That might be good for him, but it seems like everyone is trying to ride the gravy train that is Barack. Of course Obama has to come out and say, what they said is wrong. Choose your friends wisely next time.

I got the SC lottery fund for school so my tuition was cut in half(breakdances). Tomorrow I register for a few classes and I'll be on my way! Now I'm considering a switch to part-time and living with the parents I can save more money. I'm just ready for that change. And good Lord! Coming from the smallest county in VA to Charleston, SC there are some serious ladies here. I'm glad to have options again!

Also, I was going thru some old stuff in my parents garage, and I pulled out some 500 old comic books(I wonder where the others are). I have all sorts of Mutant related comic books from X-Men, New Mutants, Generation X, etc. I also have the first appearance of Wolverine in the Hulk, and some first issues worth a pretty penny. During my hunt in the garage I was humming a beat from Jurassic 5's debut EP album, and of course I stumbled across that too! Also Busdriver as well, and his rap Imaginary Places which I still can't keep up with.

Grandma's Boy

Good Lord. So I made the mistake of eating some bad lunch and watching Grandma's Boy which someone suggested(SymonDezyn). Have you ever tried to maintain your composure from a bad stomach ache, and watch a hilarious movie at the sametime. I can't believe I didn't see this movie when it first came out. Of course I watched it at the worst time. I ate a bad sandwich and It just &%^% me up! At least I had something to entertain me thru my agony. Best scene in the movie is when actress, Linda Edna Cardellini, rapped to a remix of Push It. That right there is funny as hell, and a turn on!

You know what? Out of all the games coming out between now and September sadly the one I am most anticipated for his NHL 09. Yes, sports over RPGs, and action games. I refuse to play Madden ever since the NFL cut that deal with EA. But I heard they had a Pro Mode where you are a individual player trying to come up. Well, in NHL 09 they'll have that, but also a online Pro mode! You control your individual player on the ice, and your teammates are controlled by other gamers. Almost like a clan one can create a team carrying 50 players with your team's own custom attire. Then you can compete with others teams for the "big one". What's going to be exciting is that gamers will be able to choose their type of player(sniper, defense forward, grinder, etc), and you'll earn experience points to level up your abilities. And of course people will distingiush themselves by their skill. EA will track gamers who become superstars. You can also look up free agents and do trades. It's almost like a MMO NHL league on it's own.

Games and more games..

Over at the Final Fantasy Experience we're getting very excited about Square Enix's upcoming announcement regarding Final Fantasy VII. I am personally excited considering the possiblities are endless. I really put a lot of doubt into a remake for the original Final Fantasy VII released in 1997. But since Square Enix blew us all away with announcing Final Fantasy XIII for the Xbox 360 here in the West, I really don't know what to expect from the event in Tokyo.

Just recently the remake for Final Fantasy IV on the DS was released, and I was able to add the title to my growing collection. I've spent sometime with it and have enjoyed every minute. Still, I have a lot of other games that are now sitting on the shelf and aren't even finished. All my Wii games still scream, play me! And gradually I was able to reach the final disk for Lost Odyssey, but still that is not finished. I can't forget the wave of Xbox 360 titles I own either. Thank God both Gears of War and portions of The Orange Box are completed. There certainly needs to be a Gamespot emblem for procrastination. ROFL

So I was just flipping thru the channels on TV and I saw Santogold with Pharrell Williams on a Converse commercial. It's good to see that she's getting out there. I know MIA is pretty big and Def Jam has that white girl Lady Sovereign who's spittin' it. It's good to see a "sister" doing her own thing in that genre of music. And she's from NYC, and not the UK! It doesn't matter, but from a American who lives in the South and all you hear are club bangers from Black rappers, Santogold is just refreshing period. Then again so is Busdriver and Mos Def. Speaking of Mos Def I watched Be Kind Rewind....FUNNY! Whatcha gonna do, when you see a little ghost? Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!

I hate math!

I just went to Trident Technical College here in Charleston, SC to take the placement test for college. I received a perfect score for reading and writing. BUT! I suck at mathematics to the point where it's embarrassing. In high school I never had interest in math at all. That is one course I never applied myself in. Now I am paying the price. If anything, that's the subject you really want to accel in! So now I have to take two extra courses in math in order to take the original course in my program. That's ok; maybe I can get a hot tutor or something. And I don't mind older women Trident Tech!

Anyway, Final Fantasy IV comes out tomorrow! Who's getting it? I am! I also have Metriod Prime 3 for the Wii, and I can't wait to try it out, NOW! Oh wait, I have to design a freakin' layout for a sorority from Temple Univeristy in Philly, PA. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS: I hate math!

[UPDATE]If anyone has a interest in hockey or sport games you really need to check out NHL 09 from EA Sports. It won a bunch of awards last year and pretty much beat Madden last year in achievements(I can't really say sells). Even Skate probably had a better chance to win sport game of the year then Madden NFL 08.

The Dark Knight....

People always complain about how the Batman movies should have been darker. The Dark Knight is actually twisted, and isn't a movie I personally would allow a young child to see. It is literally unbelieveable and you have to go watch it. It is the most mature comic book film of all time. If you didn't feel any weight on your heart during the film you have been watching the Hills Have I Eyes too much and like Africanoboi says, you need to go to church. There's so much to talk about, but I just can't tell you. It's a experience you have to witness for yourself. Mr. Ledger is brilliant, his Joker's rational mine is insane. He brings a twisted humor far different then what Jack did for the Joker in Tim Burton's Batman. He's crazy and also shows no fear.

Anyway, classes are starting soon and I am heading back to college to try my hand at another degree. Living in a new area it's really hard to make friends. I don't know. The suburbs of Charleston, SC are definitely different then the rolling green mountains of Northern Virginia. I always feel like people have hidden agenda's here, even with the Southern hospitality. It's either that or the music I am listening to is too damn strong. I've always felt like a conscience-brotha'. I love hip-hop like Common, Lupe Fiasco, Lauryn Hill, and Azeem. Put I also enjoy listening to rock music -- Pedro the Lion(or what was PtL), and Circa Survive for example. I know when to open my mouth and hold back my words. In the country people are more up front with you(I'm Black, I should know), but in the suburbs sometimes people dance around certain topics that need to be talked about. Because of that I always feel like there is something behind those white-picket fences of American culture you don't want to know. It'll be interesting how school goes.

I just recently bought two new Wii games. One is WarioWare and the other is No More Heroes. I am about to give them a try right now as I type up this blog!

E3 2008: Wrap it up!

How was E3 this year? This was probably one of my favorite E3's in a long time. On the actual show floor there were a lot of great things to see. Microsoft Press Conference held some weight to it in the form of a fair introduction of demo's, a system update with Netflix, and ending it with Final Fantasy XIII on the Xbox 360. There was a void in the middle of their conference focusing more on casual gaming, and the lack of unannounced titles. Nintendo was a disappointment for me anyway, and the only thing that came out of it was Animal Crossing: City Folks. Everything else was questionable especially when 1/3 of your show is made up of graphs. Now Sony held some weight as well, but unlike Microsoft, I don't think they had a high wow factor unless you were an actual owner of a Playstation 3. Also they forfeited demonstrations for trailers. The best part about it is they focused on games, games, and more games. With Infamous, MAG, a cool PSP bundle, LittleBigPlanet, the video store, and the introduction(a poor one at that) of God of War III you can expect much in the future. Who won? I don't want to say. I currently do not own a Playstation 3, and since I own a Xbox 360 for myself Microsoft does catter to me more. Plus being a fan of Final Fantasy, and hearing the biggest noise of any announcement at E3(literally, the end of the Microsoft presentation exploded) I'm giving it to Microsoft.

Multi-platform gaming is in this year at E3. Almost every game available at the show was at minimal available on two platforms. Constantly I saw titles that were for the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. But I also noticed that some of the more smaller companies in Europe and North America were not supporting Sony with multiplatform gaming; often leaving their titles on the Xbox 360 and PC. There were some shocking announcements besides Final Fantasy XIII coming on to the Xbox 360. Someone at EA spilled the beans on Bioware's upcoming MMORPG that's based on Knights of the Old Republic. Also it was announced that Gran Turismo 5 wasn't going to be released until 2010! Bungie also had a big announcement until their publisher restricted them from saying anything.

What were some of the demonstrations I enjoyed over this week? Far Cry 2, Fable 2, and Fallout 3 are my top 3 games. I thought their developers did a great job at showing us drastic improvements over their previous games from gameplay, to simple technology, and unique gameplay mechanics. In Far Cry 2 the character system is remarkable, and the enivornment itself. Fallout 3 is Fallout 3; there's just so much to do. In all honesty Fable 2 is adding so much personality to the Fable series and still it's able to maintain the humor. One of my favorite moments at E3 is when Peter Molyneux is trying to show Gamespot how the player can form relationships with others in Fable 2 and he comes across a lesbian on accident. The reaction was priceless.

I didn't pay much attention to Killzone 2, Resistance 2, or Gears of War 2. First person-shooters like that often come with a large amount of tweaks to the gameplay, with just enough content to refresh the player. In general it doesn't steer away from their previous titles. For example Halo 2 was a definite improvement over Halo. But if you aren't a Halo fanboy life myself, you might not have seen a golden aura around Halo 3. Now I am sure Killzone 2 will show significant improvement over the original Killzone on the Playstation 2, but with a larger amount of FPS games on the market that's not going to matter much to some. I do think the games are remarkable, but at the sametime they still represent the re-occuring fragfest of recent memories. Then again with these "popular" franchises you can't distant gamers too much since their's a large market share for these titles. Understandable.

From what I understand the show floor was at a decent size, and easy to manuever around. Honestly I think some of the demonstrations we saw would have remained behind closed doors if E3 was any larger. Since things were more layed back this year and much more personal we were able to see more then we expected. Especially if you followed Gametrailers, IGN, or Gamespot which were just rifling off game after game. Even Far Cry 2 returned to Gamespot's E3 Show because the fans requested more. Thanks to them and many others I was able to get a great experience this year.

- Josh aka NeoGen85

E3 2008 Favorites: Part 2

So you saw my top 20 favorites, but since this is the last day for E3 I wanted to included some additional titles that are going to be released in the future. One Gamespot's E3 Live Show I was able to see de Blob which I always wanted to know more about. Seeing the game played live I became really impressed. De Blob has a unique artistic feel and it appears to have a sense of humor as well. I am definitely liking the fast pace combat, and the actual concept. It looks really fun, and will come out on the Wii soon. I can't wait to play!

Left 4 Dead is from Value, and EA. Being a big fan of the Half-Life series I definitely am looking forward to this new IP from the pair. It's a cooperative first person shooter with zombies. It mixes the fast action of Counter-Strike with the story presentation of Mr. Freeman's adventure. The game definitely forces players to work together, and the difficulty adjust to how well your party is doing. It looks like the game is adrenaline focused.

The next game is KOTOR's introduction to massive multiplayer online roleplaying games. EA spilled the beans about this at a recent press event. No details were explained, but the game will appear on the PC obviously? Will it come to the Xbox 360? Who knows, after all many of the upcoming MMO's are cross-platformed.

UPDATE: I so want Soulcalibur IV, but the PS3 version includes Darth Vader. No fair! There aren't a lot of games that allow you to be the Sith Lord, but oh well. I'm also big fan of the original Puzzle Quest: Galactrix looks awesome too! I'm definitely going to get into Guitar Hero, and I guess it's about time with Guitar Hero: World Tour. Today there wasn't any Circa Survive in the game.

E3 2008 Favorites: Part 1

I've been collecting a list of my favorite games at E3 2008. In all honesty I have found myself leaning more towards the Xbox 360 then anything else. Maybe it's because of the accessiblity. Even with multi-platform games I have chosen the 360 version. But still the games are diverse and I think any gamer would enjoy the list I have below.

1 ) Fable 2(Xbox 360)
Peter, I believe everything you have said. Fable 2 is looking superb and it could possibly be one of the best RPGs of all time.

2 ) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed(Xbox 360)
I am a huge Star Wars fan. With Knights of the Old Republic, Battlefront, and Jedi Knight taking a break the Force Unleashed is the next best thing for Star Wars videogames. And its a great addition to the Expanded Universe.

3 ) Fallout 3(Xbox 360)
It's what you expect and more. This open-ended RPG promises so much and looks like it'll deliver.

4 ) Final Fantasy XIII(Xbox 360)
It may be a Playstation 3 exclusive in Japan, but in North America we welcome it to the Xbox 360!

5 ) Sonic Unleashed(Xbox 360)
To be honest, I have always liked Sonic more then Mario but the series needed to be saved. This game could possibly do it.

6 ) LittleBigPlanet(PS3)
Oh, come on! If you don't like this game then stop tracking me right now. And I don't even have a PS3!

7 ) Far Cry 2(Xbox 360)
I was impressed with the original, and with that the sequel has come far. Multiple characters, options, and dynamics. This story can go in any direction!

8 ) Portal: Still Alive(Live Arcade)(Xbox 360)
Half-Life 2 was great, and then Portal came along. I wanted more! Well Still Alive gives me just that!

9 ) Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe(Xbox 360)
Finish off Flash right now; set that mofo on fire!!!!!!!!!!!

10 ) Mirror's Edge(Xbox 360)
It's a game that not only looks and sounds great; but it's a totally unique first-person experience.

11 ) DC Universe Online(PS3)
The Xbox 360 was going to get Marvel Universe Online, but it was cancel. It's good to see DC is living up to it's promise.

12 ) Spore(PC)
This has been one PC title I have been looking forward to; the concept is just mind blowing and limitless.

13 ) Street Fighter IV(Xbox 360)
This series is my favorite fighting franchise! Ryu and Ken are back in ****that's for sure.

14 ) Resident Evil 5(Xbox 360)
When I found out that co-op could be played online I just absolutely melted! Literally, double the action.

15 ) Animal Crossing: City Folk(Wii)
This may not be my #1 game but if it's anything like the previous Animal Crossing I can easily enjoy it.

16 ) Banjo Kazooie(Live Arcade)(Xbox 360)
My reaction is totally bias to this announcement and Xbox Live Arcade. I can't wait!

17 ) Lego Batman(Xbox 360)
Out of all the DC heroes I found myself dressing up as Batman during my childhood. Enough said.

18 ) Dark Void(Xbox 360)
It's a new IP which has a few hard working people who created Crimson Skies on the original Xbox. That's all there is to say for me anyway.

19 ) Dragon Age: Origins(Xbox 360)
I love the Baldur's Gate and seeing how Bioware is returning to these roots I'm excited for Dragon Age.

20 ) I Am Alive(Xbox 360)
I have no idea what this is all about. It just looks hell'a interesting.

Sony and Nintendo E3 2008 Impressions

To get straight to the point I was very disappointed with Nintendo's Press Conference. Actually if you saw me watching the event on TV in my living room, I looked like a mad Croyt, playing Halo 2. Things got off to a slow start in my opinion and you could definitely see it in the audience. Did I see a slight hesitation of applauding? I can't really report much on this event. Being a Wii owner(not a very good one) I knew that regardless of their E3 introduction it wasn't going to affect what they already have. The masses have spoken and they do indeed enjoy playing on the Wii. Nintendo showed several diagrams and graphs displaying hardware sales of both the Wii and their handheld the DS. This made up more then a third of what the company was displaying for their show(I could be over exaggerating). Shaun White appeared to give a demonstration of his snowboarding game as well; it would have been cool too see Danny Way make his way on stage to demo Skate It too.

The first game that grabbed my attention was Animal Crossing for the Wii which will come with a atmospheric speaker/microphone for voice communication(WiiSpeak). Finally! This is what I was looking forward to; voice-over IP. Hopefully Nintendo will show more games in the future that will support the device. Animal Crossing is still very traditional but much bigger, and will give users a party experience. The President of Nintendo explained to the press that the teams of both Mario and Zelda were working on new ideas for the hardcore gamer, but they had nothing to present yet.

One of Nintendo's flagship and popular franchises is Pokemon apparently(no duh), and the company wasted no time to tell the audience how it contributed to their growth. At the sametime I was wondering, who cares? The Nintendo DS was also talked about a lot, and seemed to carry weight in the presentation. A new Grand Theft Auto game was announced for the DS which was very surprising to say the least. Even though Cammie Dunaway(and a mother herself) presenting the title appeared to show excitement, you couldn't help but feel that under her smile she seem to disagree with the franchise making a debute on the handheld. Not to mention she was an absolute square, and was awkward period(they should of dun-away her)! Nintendo then moved on to explain how the DS was going to function outside of gaming to provide features inside ball parks, the kitchen, and at airports to make life easier. These are some neat features for the handheld, but at the sametime they don't hold anything over the additional components that make the PSP so versatile.

The majority of the game announcements for the Fall were very predictable, and quite frankly uninspiring. If you like Wii Sports, Rayman Raving Rabbid, the use of the Balance Board, etc, etc -- you will be in luck. Star Wars: Clone Wars is coming to the Wii, but fails to use the new Wii MotionPlus which actually is a great peripheral for the Wii itself. It'll be used in the upcoming Wii Sport game for precise motion detection. Much like WiiSpeak, I hope this also is taken advantage of in the future especially with first person action games. There are also so additional games coming to the DS like Spore Creature. Besides Animal Crossing, WiiSpeak, and MotionPlus it was the final announcement of Wii Music which would either get players excited or underwhelmed. Actually I thought the effort put into making Wii Music wasn't a waste, and I'm pretty sure people will enjoy it. If it has a online feature then you can capture the same entertainment when friends aren't around.

What Nintendo fail to do was build upon their online network, address storage issues, and they left the hardcore gamer out of their show. It hard to get excited about this fall when it feels like the only worthy title for the holiday season is Animal Crossing(which isn't a must-have for all). What they company also fail to do is get the third-party developers in on the press conference. The demonstrations were actually kind of neat, but a person could easily talk through them without a care. Hopefully the third-party support is there, and we get to see some action on the show floor.

IF you are a Sony fan you might be in luck. The company that owns the Playstation franchise focused less on actual demonstrations, and used more trailers. I think this was kind of bad since demo's often reassure the players that things are running smoothly. But when the conference first started you were treated to a montage of several promising games coming to the Playstation 3; this alone could get anyone excited. At first we get a history lesson on the Playstation and the idea of 10 year plans. From Tretton's speech 2008 is the year of the Playstation 3. They kick it off with a demo of Resistance 2 which looks absolutely amazing, and I am quite jealous of! It looks like it could be one of the best shooters this year! Next there is a demostration of LittleBigPlanet which isn't actually what you expect. Sony uses LBP to display more information on the Playstation franchise in a unique way by developing a level that shows you all the information. A big thumbs up; from me anyway. The Playstation 3 is also getting more Greatest Hits!

Now to the Playstation Network! Sony is developing their online service to create a personality for the Playstation 3; and a much needed one at that. You'll now have a universal GamerCard which is coming this Fall. It'll be spread amongst three platforms -- the Playstation 3, PSP, and PC. One thing I have always taken a liking to is the connectivity between these platforms. I'll get to that later. The PSN also features some really inspiring titles that can be downloaded including a new Ratchet Future game called, Quest for Booty! Not to mention there are so many other downloadable games coming to the PSN you should definitely take a look at including a new addition to the series Siren, Flower, Pain Amusement Park, and more.

Gran Turismo TV will be coming for GT5: Prologue with pay-per-view HD content. Home was displayed as well, and it definitely needed to be shown since the software has been delayed. The trailer was only their to convince gamers that it was still coming, but no release date on Home was given. If you like TV and movies on demand then Sony is bringing that to you too, and I mean tonight when you turn on your PS3. One thing it does have over Xbox Live is the ability to purchase movies and not just rent them. You can also take them on the go with your PSP. Also the Playstation Network is going to be connected with PC users(almost like Windows Live). Everything makes a full circle and it's pretty much a seamless transition from one platform to another.

The PSP is also getting a new bundle targeted at a younger audience with Ratchet and Clank Size Matters, and there is a fair amount of awesome looking games coming to the handheld platform including Patapon 2, and the newly revealed Resistance Retribution. Back to the Playstation 3 games I was really excited to see DC Universe! As some of you may know Marvel canceled their PC/Xbox 360 cross-platform MMORPG, and now DC can take the stage with only Champions Online in its way. The DC Universe is a PS3/PC MMORPG that will allow you to create a super-hero or villain, and fight along side your favorite characters as well as other players. MMORPGs are extremely popular but at the sametime they're still a niche genre since not all RPG fans enjoy them. For myself DC Universe was a great addition to the press conference.

A new 80GB version of the Playstation 3 was announced for just $399, and it has the same functionality as the 40GB version. That was unusual, and pretty awesome considering fans concern with price cuts. There was another montage at the end displaying some of Sony's upcoming games for the PS3, and a few developers discussing their opinions about the console. A trailer of Infamous was shown. I was really hoping that it would be a demonstration or something lengthy. Not mention a CGI trailer of God of War III appeared. Last was a new game from the guys at Zipper Interactive called MAG which promises character growth, online play of up to 265 players, and tactical combat. Sounds too good to be true. Zipper did show a trailer, but the game is still hush hush.

Overall the Sony conference was better then Nintendo, but they lacked demonstrations. Also Killzone 2 was absent from the press conference, and there was no real announcement that held as much weight as Final Fantasy XIII being ported to the Xbox 360. Overall it was a solid event with gamers still asking for more. But I think the PS3 games will have a better time on the show floor, wouldn't you say?

Microsoft E3 2008 Impression

I am absolutely excited today. As an Xbox 360 owner the Microsoft Press Conference provide some impressive announcements today that had me cursing in excitement, and joy! When the press conference first started I thought that things were slow, and to a extent I wasn't too impressed. The demos displaying Fallout 3, Fable 2, Resident Evil 5, and Gears of War 2 weren't exactly enough for my taste. But I am pretty sure that those games will definitely have more coverage as the week passes. Fallout 3 reminded me of The Elder Scrolls series at its current state today. I am excited that Washington D.C. is the setting for Fallout 3 since I use to live near the city. It brings that same concept from its fantasy-roleplaying counterpart; be anyone and do anything. My first impression from the Resident Evil 5 demo was that the game still remained similar to the previous installment in the franchise; but when they announced online cooperative play I absolutely melted. Fable 2 was also viewed by me in the same way. Much of the footage in Lionhead's demo wasn't totally new, but they were bringing gamers online together by the cooperative experience over Xbox Live. Gears of War 2 is Gears of War 2; I can't really say much about it. A lot of the big titles for Microsoft's console pretty much are just giving more of what you expect. Is there any innovation? From those demos I can't say much. But I do like how the next Guitar Hero game is going to add more depth to the gameplay.

Now for Xbox 360 owners who takes advantage of every option on the system are absolutely going to enjoy this Fall and holiday season. As a Xbox Live Gold member, I am impressed with what's coming to Xbox Live Arcade including the addition of Portal, and the original Banjo Kazooie games. For those who just enjoy the company of your fellow Xbox Live friends you are going to get some exciting additional features with the Fall update. Plus Netflix and the ability to watch movies with your friends online which has been a featured asked for since the Xbox 360 released! The TV series Heroes returns along with several other new movie and TV studios. There's also going to be additional and exclusive content for Fallout 3, and we can't forget the downloadable episodes for GTAIV.

And then there is Square Enix. At this moment the Xbox 360 is the console to be on if you enjoy Japanese roleplaying games. There is Eternal Sonata, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, and several more Japanese RPGs coming to the console later on. BUT! Square Enix pretty much delivered a terrible slap to the face at Sony. As you know Infinite Undiscovery is exclusive to the Xbox 360, Star Ocean 4 right now has a potential to be a time-exclusive for Microsoft system with possible PS3 release, and Last Remnants is releasing this September on the American console(plus on the Playstation 3). Square Enix delivered again by showing a trailer of Final Fantasy XIII at the the Microsoft Press Conference and people absolutely went crazy. It was a shocking, and exciting experience. Over in Europe and North America there is a large portion of Final Fantasy fans and old RPG addicts who own a Xbox 360, but do not have a Playstation 3. Today they were able to relieve some stress and rejoice.

I think Microsoft is now try target Nintendo especially when you consider some the other stuff featured in their press conference. It really does feel great to be a Xbox 360 owner. I've always have said in the past that it's good to play together which was one of Microsoft's slogans for their Xbox franchise, and it still has meaning today! When I turn my Xbox 360 on, I just don't automatically start playing a game. I always find myself browsing through the options that are available on Xbox Live. And while I am doing this I can talk to my Xbox Live friends. Not to mention as a Xbox Live member and a officer at the Final Fantasy Experience Union(also member of the SE Experience) it's going to be a great moment to have live chat with other union members(up to 8 together) while playing Final Fantasy XIII. You can't beat that especially if you enjoy Final Fantasy!

Nintendo and Sony are up next. I think Nintendo is going to still sell the Wii regardless if their press conference is good or not. Personally I think Nintendo really needs a bang, and definitely has to appeal to the hardcore audience. I only have Super Mario Galaxy, and I've had my Wii for about 4 or 5 months. As a old Sega fan, I haven't really been attracted to a lot of Nintendo's first party games. As far as Sony goes I think they are going to do great! Even after loosing an exclusive they still have momentum built up from the release of MGS4. I am not a Playstation 3 owner, but I am definitely excited to see what they are going to do.