Well, this is actually the first blog i have ever written, so i donĀ“t know if i will be any good at it. You be the judge of it. First,i would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year, with off course a lot of game fun.
The year 2009 has been a good year for me. I turned 30 this year (and i'mfeeling old!). What was strange for me last year was that for the first time in my life i travelled outside of europe and i did so twice! I went to celebrate last new years eve in New York, NY with a mate of minefrom London. We had a lot of fun and i can't seem to remember havingever being this drunk at new year's eve :P. We stayed for 8 days. It is a great city to be in, but it is a bad choise if you want to see some actual Americans, or so i am told. Then in May, i had to travel to Manila, the Philippines where i stayed for 7 weeks on a business trip. This was a very nice experience as well, though it IS a 14 hour flight from Amsterdam. In any case, for me 2009 was awsome.
This was also true for my gaming experience. Games like Killzone, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, Assassins Creed II and offcourse, Call of Duty: Modern Warefare 2 have made 2009 an excellent gaming year for me. Iwas glad to see that last year, the console gaming industry was doing great, but i was concerned about the PC gaming industry, that seemed lacking last year (Please correct me if i am wrong). Definately a strong console year though.
Anyway, off course i already have some games on my wishlist this year. Here it is:
1. Star Wars: The Old Republic (PC). What can i say, i am a Star Wars, a KOTOR AND a MMO fan. I guess you can call me a geek, but hey, that's what i like! Hope i can get into the beta.
2. Final Fantasy XIII (PS3): It's great that this is getting released soon now. God know's how many times Squaresoft-Enix delays it's release of every FF game.I am glad to see this game is also going to be released on Xbox 360. Don't miss out on this one. It is definately one of the best RPG series out there!
3. Final Fantasy IVIII (PS3): I wasn't really interested at first, but i still got hooked. I wonder if Squaresoft-Enix will make this game multi-platform (As they did with FF XI. That was awsome!).
4. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (PS3). What can i say? I am a fan of shooters!
5. Heavy Rain: I love these detective style games and this game looks very intruiging.
So that means quite a bit of gaming for me, starting with the MAG open beta and the Star Trek Online closed beta.
What about you? What are you looking forward to this year? Any games you can reccomend?
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