Ever since most all of us was born, we played video games. Either it was Super Mario Bros on the NES, or Super Mario Sunshine on the Gamecube, some games stick better to us than others, even if it's an old game or new game that just came out, these are my all time favorite games I've always loved. Oh, and there in Top 10 order!
10. Mario Party 3
In my opinion, this one had the best mini-games and had great fitting music to each one. To most everyone I know this one was the best Mario Party and a great Mario game.
9. Super Smash Bros Brawl
Me and my friends always raved about the N64 Super Smash Bros, but triple that and that's how much we raved about this one. With more characters, more stages, more options, everyone should like this one.
8. Dead Rising
If you beat a game 12 times then it needs to be on your list, that's what I did with Dead Rising. But who doesn't love killing zombies, with a great story, crazy psycho people, great music, and a bunch of weapons.
7. Banjo Kazooie - Yeah, you probably knew this was in here. With a unlikely couple of a bear and a bird, they fight an ugly witch to get Banjo's sister back. With many worlds and loads of adventure, Banjo Kazooie can serve anyone well.
6. Super Mario World-The first game I ever played on the SNES, and was my favorite back then. Basically, this is what you get if Super Mario Bros on the NES got a 1-up. So many memories and favorite times with game.
5. Donkey Kong Country 2 - Beginning the Top 5 mark, is Donkey Kong Country 2. I was completely astounded when I played this game for the first time. If you mixed the 1st and 3rd one together you'd probably get this. Oh yes, who counld foret the beatiful soundtrack on this game? A step higher than Super Mario World, DKC2 makes it's everlasting mark on video games today.
4. Conker's Bad Fur Day - Conker is and probably will be, the only game to feature hilarious adult humor with great gameplay. Bascially, it's like mixing The Simpsons and Banjo Kazooie together. Come on what other game let's you, surf on lava, be a bat and crap on people, pee on fire imps, fighta terminator hay monster, ride a t-rex and bite a giant dude's butt, see redneck pitchforks, paint pots, and paint brushes, shoot people while during the matrix like neo, money curses at you, be in the army and shoot nazi teddy bears, blow zombies' brains out, and get drunk? None, except this one.
3. Banjo Tooie - Even though people say Conker is the hardcore version of Banjo Tooie, I still say it can surpass it. If Banjo Kazooie took steroids, it would turn into this game. With everything upgraded, graphics, gameplay, music, sound effects, and adventure. Banjo Tooie is one of the most ground-breaking games there is.
2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Link's most favorite, famous, and best adventure ever. Still played by millions, old and new. Ocarina still shines down it's legendary light. Battling dangerous monsters since he was a kid, Link must obtain the Master Sword, slay Ganondorf the king of all evil, and rescue Princess Zelda.
1. Paper Mario 64 - I don't know what it is about this game, but it's simple to undertand while still remaining hard, fun, exciting, awesome, and just the all out best Mario game there is. I beat this game 8 times, and it never fails to make me excited and happy. Of course, it's 2004 sequel was great, but not as good as this one. It's great for any age group and I don't see any flaws about it and any of my other games.Well, that's it thanks for reading.
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