you did not answer one question that I hadwhat advanages are there with upgrading with a ATI Radeon video card vs. Nivida geforce?
how good is the ATI Radeon xpress 200 chipset?are there any good things about this?about upgrading to a better video cardmy pc HpAMD athlon X-2 4200+ 2.2 GHZ rated at 6.2 GHZ300w PSU ATADuel DVD / lightscrabeI have PCIe x16any good things about uprading to a ATI video card?I want to know things like can I run video off my chipset and a ATI video card?things like that!What would be the best video card that I can add in my PC now? with out upgrading my PSU?
what if money was not problem in bulding you PC?what would you put in your PC? name video card........ CPU etc.
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