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NeveorNafelian Blog

Blog #20: The Pointless Update

Just another, random generic blog to go out since I'm in a typing mood. All out of broadband for the remainder of the month, although I can still play a bit of Black Ops since its based on the hosts connection and not mine.

Recently finished my lengthy review of Black Ops available somewhere down thar. \/ \/ \/ Give it a read if you honestly care about my opinion...please? :D

Also been churning a few generic no scope videos for the time being on YouTube, my channel is named as 'KingNafelianX' if you'd like to check that out also.

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Another Christmas has been and gone and this year felt as boring as ever, didn't get much. Clothes (SOCKS!!!) :) , Cash and Undead Nightmare for RDR which is pretty darn sweet. Looking forward to welcoming my last year of school, granted I even go back that is. :S And hoping for a better, more interesting year to come.

Happy Holidays, and a very Happy New Year in 2011 to all of you!

I think its time for a new blog...

So yeah, getting sick of seeing that BC2 blog from months back, especially considering I haven't played it since I got MoH Fallout: NV and now Black Ops.

Chances are I would play BC2 again when Map Pack 7 releases and what with Vietnam and all that but unfortunately my stupid router won't allow me to play it anymore. :(

This creates the problem of me having to give into buying Activision's overpriced map packs when they release considering how much fun Black Ops is a few extra maps is always nice.

So thats it for, my school years finished until late January / early February of next year so I've got plenty of time to start prestiging and having an awesome time in Black Ops, but until then, I'm out :)

Top 5 Things In BC2 That Should Be In Real Life.

Ever wondered what you could accomplish in life if you were able to copy things from video games and have them successfully work every time? Don't lie, I know theres a 100% chance you have, and you probably tried...and you probably failed...but anyway...lets get into it, BC2 style!!!


Number 5 - Awesome Health Regeneration Abilities.

Whats the matter? Just jumped off a building and failed to deploy your parachute? Never fear! Health regeneration is here!

Simply pop into cover and wait out the pain of your broken legs because in 10 seconds or so they'll be just fine! Or better yet, throw down a handy green cube with a white cross on it and bam! All better. Much more effective than having to wait for mummy to kiss it better :P


Number 4 - Controlling Insanely Advanced Pieces of Military Technology With No Previous Training.

Ever flown a fully armed and lethal Apache into the heat of battle? No, no you haven't. Well now you can with 'military training in a bottle'! (may cause death or death related symptoms).

Are you entering a conflict with a (nooby) M60 Light Machine Gun for the first time. Good thing you know how to use it instantly because you tried some of this miracle drink. What about that Apache over there? Now you can fly it and use all of its weapon systems. Think of the possibilites.


Number 3 - Full Life Statistics.

Recorded on various sites are your full BC2 statistics, now just imagine the possibilites for your life!

Ever wanted to know how many steps you've taken? How many hours you've spent living? How many times you've taken a dump?! With full life statistics now you can! And for some reasons its available to you on various websites...


Number 2 - Blowing $h!t Up Not Knowing Whats Waiting For You.

Need some renovation work done to your house/shack/cabin/underneath a bridge? Just equip your 40MM Noo- Er... Grenade Launcher and fire away.

Better yet, rather than risking the destruction of your own house, why not ask a neighbour if the could benefit from your help. I'd sure they like a second front entrance right next to their door.


Number 1 - Respawning (But better than Jesus cause he only did it once).

Don't you just hate dying. Doesn't it just affect the rest of your day so negatively? I know it does on mine. Thats why this will effectively help control that problem. Even reverse the effects of 'Military training in a bottle'.

Feeling down? Did you just get owned by a smoke grenade shot to the face or groin region? Ouch. But never fear. Simply wait 10 seconds and respawn at your house, or directly onto your family!


The End. I'm Oscar Mike, Stay Frosty!!!

Teh Birthday Blog!

Its Saturday the 22nd of May here over in New Zealand which for me means that today...I finally turn 16! Yay!

So today I will legally buy Red Dead Redemption!

Is it wrong that I've learn't things from video games that I didn't at school?

Greek Mythology and War.

Just two things in life that I have learn't about more from video games than I have from a proper learning environment. I mean don't get me wrong, I still don't know much about either of them simply because there two topics that very rarely come up in your typical New Zealand school classroom.

Sure I've done some things relating to Greek Mythology, but all that I learn't from that is that ol' Zeus is the super cool god of the gods sorta man, and as far as wars go, to tell you truth, I've never even had a full 1 hour class based on WW1 or WW2...

I understand the main points and such but anything beyond that is, well, beyond me!

In terms of the whole Greek Mythology thing, I probably know more about that than I do about sad is that?

To me, a world war seems more important than a myth. So why can't I learn more about those? And so 'God of War' you violent violent untruthful video game, thanks to you, I now know about more than one god... :oops:

Its officially official... (officially) !

I have some sort of random news for you guys (provided you actually bother reading these)...

I can officially call myself a....BATTLEFIELD FANBOY!....

After realizing my new rise to Battlefield fanboy I began to think how much better it is than oh I don't know..? Call of Duty?!?

Yep, so thats all the news for now, oh and.., I FINALLY finished Final Fantasy XIII and now I'm stuck deciding whether or not its worth another 30+ hours to get my plat...I might get Just Cause 2 next now...then BFBC2 I think...


Only one more week left now and Term One of my boring school life be over, thus meaning I'll have two weeks to earn some cash, eat some food, catch up on my sleeping and most some FFXIII!!! Can't wait!


Also, you guys should check them out too, there pretty ******* epic.

On a lighter note, I am currently on Chapter 5 of FFXIII and I am enjoying it very much.

What?! Somebody disagrees with a review of mine?

So, I've been churning out a user review every once in a while, usually when I get a new game or just whenever I can be bothered. Whenever I right them I stick to a pretty basic layout. One large paragraph explaining what I liked about the game, then a smaller paragraph with an overall opinion of the good and bad points, a rating and then a quote from the game. So anyway...I've been flicking through them every once in a while and I realized that somebody disagreed. So, mysterious, disagreeing person, if you ever disagree with one of my awesome reviews again, I will find you and bake you a batch of poison cookies...mwahahahaha! Just ask Turtle...he knows all about it...and in that case, if it was you Turtle (which I totally don't think it was....)then I shall make you two batches of evil poison cookies...that is all..................

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