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NeveorNafelian Blog

Could it get any worse?!

So the whole internet thing happens and now 'fat' ps3's all over the world are screwing up...everything seems to be working against me. God I hope my Borderlands trophies aren't lost forever. Help us Sony!!!! Help us Chuck Norris!!!!

Damn you Internet!!!!!

So once again I find myself stuck at the end of the month with lots of free time on a Saturday and yet, my internet connection is too slow to do anything...

And to think, that at this time I could be downloading the latest Borderlands DLC but because of the given circumstances if I tried to download would take me 3 and a half ******* days!!!!!!! By which time my connection would of reset! So due to this, I now have to wait another week before I 'take it up tp ELEVEN'.

Screw you internet, screw you telecom. I love you Gearbox. The End.

The Buy-List for 2010

Double Bloggage for today...

So anyway, I was thinking about the games that I plan to buy this year, whether or not they come out this year doesn't matter I guess...

Battlefield: Bad Company 2

This is under the 'I need this in my life right now' catergory at the moment. And with just one month left today to till its release I've been wondering whether or not I should keep my cash till then or buy the next game on my list...

Borderlands (Own it!)

A game thats been on the must buy listfor a while now but due to the fact that its an R18 I've been waiting for an oppourtunity to use the fact that my brothers friends are over 18 to get it but I dont quite know if I'll be able to find the cash to get BFBC2 the next month. Looks like a double-edged sword...

Just Cause 2

So I'm drawn towards the base-jumping and parachuting side of the game but thats about it so its on the maybe list atm.

Heavy Rain

Another maybe for this year, it looks good but maybe too slow-paced for me.

Dark Void

Looks fun but not worth the price tag right now, so I'll probably pick it up at price drop.

The Saboteur

Played it as a rental and it was good but I probably went get it till after my 16th birthday, when I'm legally able to buy the game myself :p

So thats the list for now, I may edit it as time goes on, you know removing and adding games as I go...

Back to School

So its been a long holiday for me this year and my 79 days of doing sh!t all are coming to aclose. With just 3 and a half days left to waste away I decided to do what I enjoy what I do best. Tell people that I dont even know about stuff...well actually I feel like playing more PS3 (the thing that I've spent at least 65 of the last days doing). But I've been thinking and now I'm beginning to wonder why I really care so much about returning to college. I mean its not like I'm changing schools or anything and its not like I have to worry about making new friends but I still dread the return. Maybe its because it changes the lifestyle that I've grown use to over the holidays...but on the lighter side, I no longer have to do Mathsfor my last two years of college.

Feel free to leave your thoughts about returning to school in the comments,


Gamer Rage

Gamer Rage.

Something that every gamer, casual or hardcore, has experienced. Today, I'm here to tell you about the games that have given me the most 'ragetistic' moments...

Pokemon: Emerald (GBA-SP)

Sure Pokemon games may seem harmless and fun but underneath all that happiness lies something sure to case any casual gamer rage. When in battle, I often found that my rivals pokemon seemed to always have the upper hand, no matter how much I had trained mine. Usually you would call it luck when there pokemon is able to dodge attack after attack, poison you, then somehow beat your fully healed pokemon when theirs has only 1 hp. But I don't think its luck, I mean, can they really get lucky nine times out of ten?

Need for Speed: Undercover (PS3)

THIS GAME HATES YOU! Seriously! Everytime you have the upperhand in this game, its always able to somehow turn the odds agaisnt you...for example. You just got into first place, theres now a 97% chance that the next blind corner or hill will have a car in your lane. Or,You just got into first place, theres now an 85% chance that the next time your on a highway, traffic is going to turn into your lane suddenly as you come up behind them at 300km/h. Or even better, you just finished the longest event in the game (The Tri-City Run) and just as you cross the finish line, the game magically quits itself and takes you back to the PS3's XMB! Seriously! That actually happened to me...I almost cried...

Need for Speed: SHIFT (PS3)

The game says 'Oh whats this?! You actually made it to the last corner and the last lap and your first place? 'Not if I have anything to say about it! *Proceeds to make the guy in 2nd pass you instantly* Wtf?! Gamer Rage!

Mirror's Edge (PS3)

This is the game that has made the maddest of any other game I have every played...heres what happened... So I'm trying the games last speedrun, the hardest speedrun in the game at that. And after 20+ failed attempts I finally smiled as I approached the games final scene with about 20 secs to after watching the scene I felt happy thinking that I had it in the bag...but I didn't...I ran towards the edge of the building, ready to take the final jump, guess what...I failed...Realizing that I still about 12 secs left I perserved and tried the jump again, guess what...I I'm stressing, I had enough time for one last I ran I jumped and I FAILED! Now I'm fuc**ng furious! So what did I do? Well rather then calming myself I proceeded to grab the first thing I saw (that I hated at that moment) and smashed it. Now seeing as how much I hated that pokemon game from past experiences, I grabbed the GBA-SP and snapped off the screen...not a bright move when I look back at it...

And thats it, after my experiences I've decided to try controlling myself and have kept the rage moments to verbal abuse aimed at the game instead...rather than inanimate objects :P

The End!


I've realized something...

Who really cares about my random blogs? Do my 7 or so gamespot friends really care or evenwant to know what I'm thinking about? It all seems like random c*** to me....and yet...i'm still doing it.

Does that raise a point of whether or not something as simple as blogging is in someway addictive? Are all people somewhat compelled to tell others about what things are happening in there life? Or do they just have a lot of spare time...

Who knows...I think I just have to much spare time...I think i'll just go read a book or something.

My Top 5 for '09

Well then, I know its a bit late but, screw it, i'll do my own Top 5 games for 2009 thing, because I can.

Number 5 - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

What?! MW2 in 5th?! Blasphemy?! If thats your response then just remember, its my blog so there. :P The reason is because a game that cost $140 (NZ) and has a story that lasts on 4 hours is a complete rip-off to me, I mean sure there Specs Op and that and Multiplayer is where its at but still, uhm, blog and what not...anyway...

Number 4 - Assassin's Creed 2

Still one of my favourite games to date, a true landmark, nuff' said.

Number 3 - Fallout 3 GOTY

Technically GOTY came out last year so that counts, but its simply put awesome so thats why its my choice, theres so much to do, so much to see and that why it makes my number three! Man i'm getting good at these rhymes!

Number 2 - inFamous

Who doesn't enjoy jumping from rooftops and shooting electrictity outta' their hands (in a video game sense I mean). Cause thats what inFamous is all about and boy is it good.

Number 1 - Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Need I even explain? I think not.

*EDIT* After having played inFamous again I've realised how much better it is than AC2 and so I have switched them round, Infamous is in 2nd and Ac2 is in 4th.

Well then...

I guess that since the whole 'join Frostbite' thing is out of the way, I'll tell you a bit about myself, my name is...well I probably shouldn't say, I'm...well I probably shouldn't tell you how old I am either but I can tell you that I'm a guy, a Kiwi at that ( if your wondering what that means, it means I'm from New Zealand), I'll also tell you that I'm a trophy whore of sorts, and a playstation fanboy at heart all though I normally wouldn't admit that....soooo....If your reading this Turtle, I still beat you at earning plats and no, you dont my permission to tell anybody my name or age. :P Nafelian, out.

Frostbite Sub-Zerownage

To anybody who is a fan of BFBC or similar games or just any games at all, then feel free to join Frostbite. We are a small group of friendly gamers who enjoy games and having a laugh. If you'd like, then sign up at Hope to see you there! *Edit* No Hippies though :P
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