If you're not happy about what this game is, do yourself a favor and don't buy it. I won't be buying it because it's basically Microtransaction: The Game.
If you're not happy with how EA runs things, speak with your wallets.
It's nice to see this among all the news articles lately saying that all video games will do to your brain is make you want to kill people in real life.
Another large contributing factor is that the economy in the US is still struggling. It'll be a long time before it gets back to the way it was, but when it eventually does, I firmly believe that the games industry will thrive again.
Violent video games are a negative influence on young people, sure, I agree. That's why games have a ratings system in place. The ESRB does a great job too. Not their fault parents completely ignore it.
It's not the game industry's fault that moms see their offspring playing horribly violent video games and say, "that's awful," then go right back to drinking their 'early afternoon white wine' without doing anything about it.
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