Problem with Alex Jones he talks about some valid points but those points are mixed in with crap and tin hat stuff while ranting like a lunatic.
Newhopes' forum posts
If Jesus was as benevolent as people claim I don't think he would have really cared if you was gay or not.
Last out of 6 store's near me droped the Vita just after christmas and sold off what stock they had left dirt cheap, mostly a handful of the the launch 3G models, the only way you can get a Vita now is travel quite a distance or order online.
Can't really blame them no point in stocking something that doesn't sell.
I think you need to be pretty stupid to not understand evolution it's a very simple concept and something humans have used and influence numerous times.
They found out last year that even the stealth tec doesn't work after the Russian revealed their new radar systems.
And god help them against the Sukhoi PAK FA and MiG-35 if they can't even beat 20-30 year old designs.
As far as I am concerned religion is a personal thing and should be kept that way, religion has no place in goverment or places of power.
People should really forget the idea that the Ukraine is unified country it isn't, it's almost exactly the same as Iraq a country that different ethnic groups with different ideals where thrown together and told to play happy families it simply doesn't work. Another thing is people should really stop trying to force western Ideals on everybody
Iraq had saddam although brutal kept things more or less under control.
Ukraine played middle ground and tried not to learn to far toward the east or west, unfortunately we had the western Ukraine's US backed euro-maiden which threw that balance out the window and the result is the country will more than likely be torn in half.
West hasn't really gained anything
You didn't read did you? It's about gaining influence.
Influence means nothing is there's nothing worth Influencing and western Ukraine was Pro-EU anyway, all the US has managed to do is throw the country into chaos and handed half to Russia on a plate.
West hasn't really gained anything, the only thing this and the Iraq conflict has done is speed up the fall of the Dollar.
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