HAHAHHAHAHA morons, this is going to be funny, hope you've got some candles in stock we're going to need them in a few months.
Basically this could cause a trade war(sanctions wars) which will end up with Russia cutting Oil/gas supply which will cause massive electricity shotages in most of Europe.
Probably won't happen because they don't have the guts to do it seeing as it'd probably harm us more than it'd hurt Russia.
I don't think they should have backed off they just handled it completely wrong, Putin has been fairly diplomatic but the wests reaction was basically get out or face the consequences and thats turned out too be nothing more than a bluff. If they had gone into this more diplomatically and open rather than a bull in a china shop I think this wouldn't have blown up the way has.
lol Seems like sanction is their sole key to any problem threatening their gains.First Iran now Russia.
Not really this time they've done next to nothing to be honest they've santioned 28 people in Putin's govenment but not Putin himself and a few Ukrainian's who don't back the coup.
I doubt it'll go any futher yet, Although the eastern provinces might start demanding independence from the Ukraine as well which might escalate things.
HAHAHHAHAHA morons, this is going to be funny, hope you've got some candles in stock we're going to need them in a few months.
You are one disturbed individual if you find these things funny.
Yes frankly I do, the way the west is handled this is beyond hilarious.
I'll bet you money within a few years they'll be US/Nato military bases inside the Ukraine.
@reaper4278 said:
@Newhopes said:
HAHAHHAHAHA morons, this is going to be funny, hope you've got some candles in stock we're going to need them in a few months.
I fail to find the humor in anything going on.
I just wish the U.S. was staying out of this, it is not our issue.
I Understand why the US is interfering they've just gone about it the totally wrong way, and in the long run I think what they're doing is going to make things a hell of a lot worse.
HAHAHHAHAHA morons, this is going to be funny, hope you've got some candles in stock we're going to need them in a few months.
It'll start a tit for tat escalating santions, probably ending up with Russia cutting oil/gas supply to Europe which is the main reason they're not doing anything directly to Russia itself and going after officials instead.
This referendum is a joke. Its so bad it reminds me to the recent elections in North Korea where Kim Jong Un got 100% of the votes. Do most people in Crimea want to be part of Russia? Yes. But this result is so inflated its completly obvious its rigged. 40% of the people in Crimea are not Russian and wouldnt support being annexed by Russia, therefore its fairly obvious that if the referendum was actually legit the results wouldnt have turned out like this. This stinks of fraud so much its laughable.
The fact that the options were:
Choice 1: Join Russia
Choice 2: Join Russia
Thats one thing I do agree on they should have been a status quo option., but choice 2 was the option to stay in the Ukraine.
1. Are you in favor of the reunification of Crimea with Russia as a part of the Russian Federation?
2. Are you in favor of restoring the 1992 Constitution and the status of Crimea as a part of Ukraine?
Orignally the Crimea was semi autonomous region inside the Ukraine with it's own constitution and parliament, but Crimea started moves to rejoin Russia but Ukraine didn't like that so dissolved it.
Another funny thing the current Ukraine government who are unelected voted to dissolve the crimea regional assembly who are elected but nobody kicks up a fuss about that.
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