Avoid at all costs and yes the battle system is god awful.
Newhopes' forum posts
Noticed that yesterday when I picked up Disgaea D2 all the shop attendents where trying to shove PS4 bundles down everybodys throats.
Console gaming crash reports comes and goes every year.
In the meantime Sony confirmed over 1M pre-ordered PS4 consoles.
Xbone might have similar amounts of pre-orders too.
Gamestop and Sony predicting biggest console luanch ever.
So no.
Over the last 3-4 years the average the amount spent on gaming has been steadily declining, for example the US has gone from $19.7 billion in revenue in 2009 to just too just $13.3 billion last yeat.
Yes but worldwide it up from 64.5 billion to 66.2 billion. I know it's hard to accept but there are other bits of the world outside of America.
Yet you don't read what you post from, traditional gaming IE consoles/handhelds are in decline and have been for years which is largely been swamped by things like mobile and facebook games that generate alot of income.
Console gaming crash reports comes and goes every year.
In the meantime Sony confirmed over 1M pre-ordered PS4 consoles.
Xbone might have similar amounts of pre-orders too.
Gamestop and Sony predicting biggest console luanch ever.
So no.
Over the last 3-4 years the average the amount spent on gaming has been steadily declining, for example the US has gone from $19.7 billion in revenue in 2009 to just too just $13.3 billion last yeat.
The crash is already happening it's just not the quick mass crash that happened in the 80's, one of the reasons I think next GEN is going to do as well as some think.
lol Dead Rising, mediocre series is mediocrerjdofu
Mediocre is still better than borezone.
I play most game types, only ones I don't really play racers/sports and I avoid what passes for WRPGS those days like the plague.
And Sony should buy Nintendo. And save them from imminent bankruptcy. Because thats the SONY live love learn philosophy.
Shout out to mah boy Heil68. He couldn't be here with us tonight. Too busy playing the inferior version of GTAV. Yes the 360 version LOL
Nintendo has more cash than Sony.....
[QUOTE="Newhopes"][QUOTE="AestheticGamer"]In a few more years, Nintendo of Japan to be closing up shop. Can't wait.MFDOOM1983
Only way Nintendo will shut up shop is if the management all decide to retire to on the Barbodos and live off the massive amount off money they've made in the last 10 years.
Well, we all know none of that money went toward game development for wii games in the later part of the gen, or preparing for HD development in the upcoming gen.
Ya and that really paid off for Sony with the PS3 didn't it.
In a few more years, Nintendo of Japan to be closing up shop. Can't wait.AestheticGamer
Only way Nintendo will shut up shop is if the management all decide to retire to on the Barbodos and live off the massive amount off money they've made in the last 10 years.
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