Make an article about topic largely unrelated to gaming but tie it into gaming so you can post it on a gaming website and get angry comments from gamers who come here for gaming news.
@RSM-HQ: without Gokdeneye you think Halo exists as it does? It built upon Perfect Dark (which was a Goldeneye sequel without the branding) and Unreal Tournament and made something really awesome but there’s definitely a progression to Halo from Gokdeneye.
@Pierce_Sparrow: it’s been out for 15 months. It is what it is at this point. I spooled it up again today and there’s still lots of people walking around that you can’t really interact with. I can still run over 16 pedestrians in front of the cops and get away without really trying to a minute later.
They fixed several of my bugged quests, however a few of them they turned into “fails” for me when I completed them.
I have to assume if it were released today, this is as far as they’d have come so kiss that promised Night City goodbye.
Also: Mr. DiMaggio, since I know you frequent Gamespot for the scoops on “steep Nintendo Switch game discounts,” please do us all a favor and sign on so it doesn’t suck.
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