anyone who claims it is BF 3.5 is a complete moron who is ignorant to all the massive changes in BF4. TONS of new guns, pretty sure over 100 weapons broken down into classes now TONS of new customization options for your soldier and vehicles Levolution, speaks for itself REAL Dynamic maps, not that bullsh*t they do in CoD Ghosts where a gas station blows up redesgned commander mode massively upgraded battlelog with apps and tablet support tons of awesome new vehicles even better graphics dynamic weather new cool looking game modes and more i dont feel like listing everything but you get the idea
i agree with you and actually I am liking some of the maps now but some are still way too big like Gondola. Its HUGE and I have such a hard time finding people. Regardless they map count is way too small. I just read that out of the 2 new maps that only 1 is for TDM which really pisses me off. Now since theres only 2 DLC packs with 3 maps a piece what happens if only 4 of those are TDM and 3 are overun? Thatll be 9 TDM Maps total. WTF. There is no way this game shouldnt have at least 15-20 TDM maps. I will never buy Gears again if they dont bring up the map count. The game is already getting stale because there is no map selection at all.
Honestly i was complaining about the remval of active reloads, DBNO, executions etc but i am liking this a lot. I like how TDM is first to 50 kills because the round system in Gears was annoying. I only like it in gears 1 because i could play 20 plus round games but in Gears 2 and 3 games were too short and there was no way to play more rounds.
Anyway i really am upset with the maps. They should have made 4 for Overun and then at least 8+ for TDM. The fact that there is only 4 for TDM is a joke. Its also a joke that there is only 2 planned DLC's w 3 maps a piece and 2 free maps. Every other gears had tons of old remakes so if they dont add remakes of old maps i will be pissed. The lack of maps is really concerning and this game is going to fail bad because itll feel repetitive. Not to mention the maps so far are not very good at all, way too big.
i guess they are going to release an execution mode after launch for free and you can execute and down people but the rest of the playlists dont have DBNO or executions which is a huge issue for me. I hope they add them back
yea the one site i was reading it said the snipes couldnt pop heads but now i see they can. They just have it so you can shoot 5 shots before reloading.
I heard they will have execution playlist after launch but thats the only one that will have DBNO and executions. I think you can down people in the campaign and execute locusts but no executions in all other playlists is such garbage. Its the funnest part of the game.
i think im really going to buy it but i am not happy with the game right now i am only buying it to play with some friends. It still looks fun and i like some of the new weapons but i dont get why they have to take this stuff out
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