its Amazing honestly i was so skeptical of this game about a year ago thinking they wouldnt change much and make it like Reach with a few tweaks but everything is awesome.
Ordinance drops are so much fun because they change it up completely giving you three choices and its fun not knowing what youll get so you get to try numerous weapons.
Armor abilities are very balanced and it makes me want to use them all
There arent many so called perks and its a good thing because in CoD they flood you with perks and you forget 90% of them are even there. I think they give you a perfect amoutn and they all have their uses depending on what you need.
Ordinance drops for power weapons on the map are great because it makes it so you cant camp power weapons
Infinity slayer is awesome, i was worried at first but its different than any other MP game. Yes most games give you points for kills and what not but most still score based on kills and i like that its based off points.
Even thought there is a lack of a ranking system right now i still find it fun and competitive and honestly i would be ok without one. I do also miss a traditional slayer that just counts kills but honestly infinity slayer doesnt make me miss it much at all.
Loadouts are a great additional and they are not a copy of CoD. CoD is not the only game that has them and they were not the first. Loadouts are what the game needed because lets face it it was getting repetitive always playing slayer starting with a BR and unless you got a power weapon it was about all you used. Loadouts give the game variety and it needed that badly i think.
lastly the specializations are awesome now that i understand them. They dont just unlock whole armor packages but they give you certain abilities as well. It gives you a reason to keep ranking up and it will help extend the life of the game. Some of them look really bad a s s.
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