Boom Blox is a EA game, as is the upcoming Fight night 4, both will be great. People hate EA because it's cool to hate them, yet they look like nothing but sheep following the emo crowd.
He actually said PS3 wasn't able to handle his vision for the game. Now he has to come out and try ( and fail ) at damage control. People know what he said, they can read. They don't need spin doctors trying to spin his comments into yay PS3 is teh best.
they actually copied The Matrix tenticle enemys :lol: they look exactly the same
the guy shooting at them couldnt even aim and shoot one because of how horrible a controller is for a shooter game. i could feel his fustration.
but anyways ill be getting geow2 and playing it the way its ment to be played on PC
So you say it's pathetic yet you want to buy it on PC, sounds like bitter tears my friend. All the lols and lulz gave it away, it's alright, just buy a 360 and dry your eyes mate. You could be a old man before it goes to PC.
360 has had a lock on every year since it was released. 2008 is no different. It has the best games of any generation imo, and is a gamers console. Wii is in last place this year , there is nothing I see to get excited about. At least PS3 has MGS4,
I own a Wii so don't sharpen your knives just yet fanboys.
Don't know why but I've run out of steam playing GTA IV, not anywhere near finishing it. I've loved all GTA's up to San Andreas which I thought was just ok. But something about GTA IV isn't right, it looks amazing, has good characters, but the car handling, and the way the world feels stripped down compared to other GTA's has left me wanting more. There just isn't as much to do in this game as there should be for a next gen GTA. It all feels so familiar, people talk about Halo 2.5, well this is GTA 3.5
Sorry Kojima but MGS4 may be good, but prepare to be owned on Tuesday with your best comment. MS have a game called Ninja Blade at the show, people think Banjoe is going to be the talking point, but it's not. Ninja Blade will be. Think Stealth, Matrix, MGS4 beater, and 100 % pure awesome that no one is expecting. It will be GOTY when it's released.
rumour that the game is called "Banjo-Kazooie : Nuts & Bolts"
where did you get that?
It's from a European forum, I think the Italian gaming press leaked the first two pictures, this is from another forum somewhere else in Europe. Norway I think.
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