i dunno guilty gear is too good johnny for life! plus tekken girls have shoulders like football players
Nickmanx5's forum posts
put some fist of the north star peeps in and you already have a better roster than playstation all stars
1st one was really bad but the second one was actually pretty fun even if im kinda ashamed to play it around people you just gotta get over the many,many,many butt and cleavege shots.
actually the the people that orignially made guilty gear and now make blazblue got the rights back some time ago man. and virtua fighter only on nintendo as good as the series is would prob finish off the little bit of fanbase it actually has.
i think that had some pretty good points. i notice how long the menus take and while i dont think the ps4 and 720 will be as far ahead of the wii u as everone else thinks the fact that some games like batman dont look as good as the ps360 leave me kinda nervous. this is the 1st next gen system we should expect a little more.
any vita owner who likes awesome story telling and addicting gameplay should pick this up.
i dont see any on the e shop
cmon man if your gonna add people no one cares about can i at least get a wild arms charater or legend of dragoon they are 1st party games and more than 7 people played them.
like i said before it might be good but not brand new good youd be better of waiting for a massive price drop to offset the price of dlc you know is coming although they might just be saying that to get people to buy this game.
this game might be good but not 60 dollars good especially since they keep saying there will be dlc to make up for thier crappy roster. the reason their are no sony japan 1st party characters in this game is your about to pay 8 dollars a piece for them like wild arms/legend of dragon/ ico or shadow of the collosus get ready to pay for them ill look for a black friday sell or wait till it hits 15
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