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Nicren Blog

The End

It's finally the end of my four days off and I find myself thinking that unemployment might not be so bad! Maybe I could turn into a stay at home mum, without the child bit :P

Oh well, not much I can do about it. Tomorrow I will return to work:cry:

I feel better now!

Well, I'm all better which is both good and bad. Good because I feel much healthier and have the use of my throat back, bad because it meant I had to go back to work over the last couple of days :P

Lucky I now have 4 days off! 8)

I've been trying to find a new few series to watch now that most of my fav's are on holiday. I still have the 4400 and Doctor Who, but Dr Who ends this week, so I'm down to just the 4400. Kyle XY kind of looks interesting, but I'm just not sure yet.

Some may think this is weird, but I have a hankering for Murder She Wrote. I really enjoyed the show when I was younger and would love to see some episodes again :)


i have tonsillitis. i feel ick. my head hurts. i don't wanna go to work tomorrow. why can't i be wealthy and retired at 23?

Season Ends

I am soooo tired of the end of season episodes. I am emotionally exhausted.

And now to cap it off NCIS makes it look like Gibbs is leaving.


Supernatural Season finale

Y'know. I think I might stop watching new tv series until the entire series has ended and is no longer on tv. That way if I just buy the series on dvd and start watching it from scratch then, I wont have to wait 3 months or more between seasons, I'll only have to wait the period of time it takes me to switch's a very tempting idea :)

Unfortunately it's too late for me in regards to Supernatural. I'm already caught hook, line, sinker, net and I'm actually frying in the pan with a little butter spread over me for taste!

The season finale was suspenseful in a way that I have not been a part of for a long time. It was excellent television in my opinion and that's something that you can't say often in this last decade. I'm very nearly emotionally exhausted now, I've spent the last few hours on the supernatural forums listening to everyone else's OMGS! and adding a few of my own delicately selected omgs.

I don't really want to go any further into what happened, and why it excited/amazed/astonished/overwhelmed/etc etc etc me in the episode for the following reasons;

1. No one reads my blog but me!

2. You have to see it to understand what I mean anyway

3. If you have seen it, then you already understand everything anyway!

So, here's an end to another pointless blog in this blog driven world and a screw you to current tv, I'm taking my dvd's and I'm not going to watch you anymore (sticks tongue out at the tv)

Latest Fav's

So my latest favs are;


Criminal Minds




L&O Criminal Intent

My name is Earl

And that's about it.

And of course, Futurama!

Bring back FUTURAMA!

I Love FUTURAMA! I so desperately would love a new series (more than just one new series) to be created and aired. If the big tv bosses think that they can make enough money out of us by doing it, they more likely than not will bring it back in all of it's fry-ish goodness! I found this site tonight and I want to pass the word about it. The more people who log their support hopefully the more the tv execs might take notice. Go to the site, register yourself as a fan and then pass the link onto every single Futurama fan you can get a hold of. Sms them, email them, call them, mail them, yell the URL out to them! Let's see if every Futurama fan in the world can register! Post the details in forums on other sites, mention it at work or school, add a link to it on your website, mention it on your voicemail! Buy an add in your community newspaper! I personally want to see over 1 million fans showing their support, at the moment it's only a little over 9000, a measly number considering how many there are of us. So show your support, be a Futurama Fan! Help bring Futurama BACK! Paste this link to help bring back Futurama into your browser: SPREAD THE WORD / URL to every Futurama fan you know! (please note that I have no connection what-so-ever to the bringbackfuturama site. I'm pretty sure since I only discovered it myself about half an hour ago, they don't even know I exist! The only reason I am publicising this and asking others to is because I want Futurama back! If I win 5 million dollars before the series comes back, I pledge that I will help fund it's return I love it that much!)

So not fair!

You know, sometimes I can't really blame people who download tv shows off the net. The reason I say this is because tonight here in Australia they are showing the finale to Season Two of NCIS. Last night in the USA they premiered the first episode of NCIS Season Three! That is so not fair. To be able to be up to date with your favourite shows here in Oz you have to download them. Otherwise you're posting in a forum that no one else in the world has been interested in since 12 months ago. Why should we be 12 months behind the USA shows? Just because we're in the southern hemisphere? I'm too tired to think too much about it, but without having to think much at all I at least know this, IT'S NOT RUDDY FAIR!

tv time again, I finally have weekends off!

Well, first things first, I got a promotion!!! Yay! It means I now have every Sunday off and no more crazy shift work! I feel like I'm a sim from one of those sim games like Bustin'Out :P Raise certain skills, go to work in good health, socialise to climb the corporate ladder, and then with each promotion the pay and hours get better, and the work gets harder! The other thing, I'm back to watching CSI again! Yay! I'd stopped for a little bit to finish watching the 4400, and now that I'm going to have to wait until next year before there's a new episode, my full attention is back to re-watching the enitre CSI and NCIS series! :) I'm looking to start some anime's I've been interested in for awhile as well. I really like that Onegai teacher character (see profile pic, she's also the animation forum icon) so I'd like to get into that and I've seen the first disc of PeaceMaker so I think I might start collecting more of that too. Anyhoos and anyways, It's nearly my 23rd birthday! Love to all and Love to none. No one reads this anyway.... Nicole

4400 music - and a big thanks to jannar85!

I have spent the last 2 hours trying to find out the name and composer of the instrumental theme song at the start of the 4400. I started on and for some reason (stupid me, actually ;P) I couldn;t find any info, google didn't help until it gave me a link back to and FINALLY! I have to say a gigantic THANKS! to jannar85 who actually made an audio stream of the song and gave a link in the tv forums to download it! I finally have the song! jannar85 absolutely ROCKS! I love instrumental pieces (Bolero on the moulin rouge soundtrack is a favourite, I love strings and percussion) and this piece is amazing :) I am so so HAPPY!
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