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Nicren Blog

Happy 21st!

HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY TASH! It's my 'lil sisters 21st today so happy happy birthday to her!


So the WSoD bug seems to come and go... Reminds me of Cane Toads, very pesky. Ah well. No one but me reads my blogs anyway :P My forum post is doing ok so that makes me happy :) My dinner was nice and I'm full. No work tomorrow WOOHOO!


I'm bored. None of the new releases at the video shop look any good, or if they do I've already seen them. I want to watch something new... I'm really bored.

So not fair

So I was just getting over the cold I caught last week. And now I have a NEW cold. 2 colds in the space of a fortnight. It's just not fair.

ick! I hate getting sick!

Ok, so it wasn't so much of a hangover that I was complaining about earlier. I caught a cold at my engagement party while I was drunk :p so it was a hangover AND a cold! Ruddy low immune system. Sometimes I think I should just live in a plastic bubble ;) Well, at least I've been able to catch up on a few movies this week, rewatch all the M*A*S*H and Futurama episodes I've already seen a million times, and also watch some new CSI and NCIS's I'd missed!

Headaches, Hang Overs and the miracle of TV

I feel awful. I think I'm going to die...again. And I swear I am never going to drink that much again...again. I mean it this time...again! Why do I always promise myself not to get into this state and then the next time an occasion where the wine flows freely comes along (this time it was my engagement party) I break my promise and ensure I will be very sick the next day. Unfortunately I usually take 2 days to get over it. The party was Friday, it's now Sunday and I've lost my entire weekend just to have 5 hours of drunken fun that I can't fully remember. Luckily I have a tv in the bedroom! My Saturday has been lost in a muggy haze of blurry M*A*S*H and Futurama characters keeping me entertained, helping me to ignore my pain :) Everyone has some kind of hangover remedy and mine is always to lay in bed and watch tv and movies. The shows help you to stop thinking about how rotten you're feeling or even worse, trying to remember what you did the night before! And you can just drowse in and out of sleep happily as required! I hate hangers, but I love my TV!

M*A*S*H and age - what's the deal?

So I love M*A*S*H. And so I was born 10 months after it finished airing on tv. Why are people who were alive in the 70's suprised I love the show and why are kids younger than me not interested in it because it's 'old'? It's a great show! I remember the first episodes I watched were fillers in the 1990's before wheel of fortune (australian tv) started and I loved them then and have continued to love the mash episodes. Such humour, such truth. mash connects us to a time that has passed and can't be revisited - and yes, thank god for that, I wouldn't want another korean war - but it's a wonderful ecletic mix of history and fiction, comedy and drama, all at the same time. My favourites are the later episodes with Colonel Potter and Winchester but all of the characters are fantastic, who could not love the balding little Radar O'Reilly!? Although when it comes to Trapper and BJ I'm definately a BJ fan. Well that's my intial blog for this site. It's mainly here because I wanted to blog and had nothing else to say. But I do love MASH and no matter my age, no one should be surprised, and those silly little kids who don't like it cause it's old? I can't wait until you're old and no one likes you ;p (disclaimer: I respect that everyone has a different opinion and that I have generalised heavily in the above blog. If you don't like it, blog off :P Jokes, I don't really care what you think to be honest!)
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